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EightDigit aka Ocho

Very Important Vintarian
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Posts posted by EightDigit aka Ocho

  1. Posted this issue to the VS subreddit and u/LordJameh provided the following solution. It would be too disruptive for the server for me to test it out, but in case anyone needs this in the future...

    1. Find your save game (%appdata%/VintagestoryData/Saves on windows)

    2. Make a backup of the vcdbs file

    3. Find the server logs (%appdata%/VintagestoryData/Logs)

    4. Look for the players uid in the server-main.txt log, you should see a message like "Client uid (uid) attempting identification. Name: (username)".

    5. Take note of the uid

    6. Download DB Browser for SQLite

    7. Open the vcdbs file using the DB browser, you may need to change the types in the dialog to do so

    8. Browse the playerdata table

    9. Delete the row/record with the playeruid you recorded earlier

    10. Save the database file

  2. Preface - I'm not going to be mentioning the mod or what the recipe/attempted item creation was as there's bound to be someone else who would try it and end up with the same result based on my forum post. The issue I ran into has been reported to the mod author, what they do with it from there is up to them. If there is a technical reason to do so, I will have a discussion about the mod/attempted creation via PM.

    I'm an admin on a heavily modded pub that's more geared towards a relatively casual gameplay experience. One of the more popular mods has a few sketchy recipes included. We stomp on them when we find them if we think they're too cheaty/exploity.

    I was researching one of these recipes to see if it could be used to bypass some mid-level game mechanics and jump into a higher tech level fairly early. The good news (heh) is that when I picked up the finished item, my game crashed to desktop.The bad news is that every time I attempt to log into the server under that character profile my game continues to crash to desktop (no error report and appears to be a standard disco from the server side) before the world loads. presumably because I have that item in my hands. What's more, when I signed in with my alt account the item was still present in game. I was able to get it into a container (after MANY crashes from accidental inspection) and bury it.

    We tried /debug clrplrinv [player] but no luck. Is there a way to purge a player profile completely? I've already transferred my land claims to my alt, I'm really not worried about losing any possessions... I just want my main account back.


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