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Propick mode 1 loooks for ores around the first block or in the chunk of the block?


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Pro-picking some chunk with mode 1 = density check.

If I start in the center of the chunk (i.e. coordinates 15/15 INSIDE the chunk itself), the readings have values A.

If I start pro-picking in the same chunk but in the corners such as 2/2, 30/2, 2/30 or 30/30 - the readings vary and usually show values B/C/D/E.

It is definitely the same chunk, but two different readings show two different values.

I didn't check the mode' dependence on the depth.


So it looks like the mode 1 works on "per-block based with 32/32 size area around this block" rather than "per whole chunk regardless of the block of this chunk".

Can someone confirm this?


Consequently the VSProspectorInfo mode which works on the chunk base - overwrites the readings each time showing the whole chunk and not the block.

  • Mind=blown 1
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