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Multiplayer server map through computers reset


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I started playing on a server with some friends and explored a rather large part of the worldmap. However a couple weeks after I finished building my new computer, which is a totally different machine, and I've now started playing there instead. I noticed however that I could not see any of my previously uncovered map in this machine - only waypoints.

Is this a bug? Is this normal? I assume this means the map visual is saved clientside - where should I check to retrieve the images on my older pc so I can stitch them together?



P.S.: Are there really no mods or base game functionality to share map / waypoints / toggle types of waypoints?

Edited by Janeator
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  • 4 months later...

I'm afraid no such functionality exists. I'd like to share my map too. First among my computers I play VS. And with my coplayers too. But sharing with coplayers brings new question/problem: should the maps of two players be "merged" including map markers? "Merging" means that new shared map is a "sum" of two merged maps. Because two players can reveal different new parts of map... so does sharing mena "merging" of two maps ?

Btw. map is a file in folder "...\VS\Data\Maps" - one file for every world. You can copy it and transfer to another computer. However some renaming of the file is necessary because playing the same world (server) on another computer creates map file with totally different name (I think map names are generated randomly). So you should know what map file name relates to the played world on another computer and you should rename copied map to this name.

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