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Window Focus Control


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ISSUE: TAB focuses around in open windows and sporatic when it decides to or not.

EXAMPLE:  1. When using TAB for inventory and inventory is open and press tab it moves around the boxes within the window instead of closing.

                    2. If you have a firepit open and use tab for inventory then inventory won't open it just moves around inside the firepit.

                    3. If you open any storage then use TAB to open inventory it opens but same issues as mentioned when trying to close the inventory.

CURRENT WORK AROUND: Pressing ESC to close inventory. Sometimes too many times while under pressure of an attack which opens the settings window.

                                              EDIT: clicking within the hotbar removes the focus and allows opening of inventory while in firepit.

FIX: Either remove the ability to focus using tab completely or add a setting to toggle this under controls.


REASONING: Keybinds are meant to be personal, that is the purpose behind the concept to begin with. I personally use TAB for all of my games with an inventory and am sure I am not the only one that does. Now I could change to a different key but that wouldn't be personal any longer. I have tried with other games which tends to cause a relearning period. I then have another relearning period when switching back. Now I understand accessibility as well and would like everyone to enjoy vintage story as I do. For me I couldn't imagine using keyboard only for this type of game but if it makes it at all possible for someone else to play then definitely a key feature to keep. Now that would be something the developers would have to weigh and decide on. Either way a setting or completely removed would be a good QOL feature for us TAB inventory users or future users. I believe this would be a simple fix as well so nothing too demanding of a suggestion, I hope.

Edited by CallMeDoc
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