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Stirling Engines


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As an alternative form of mechanical power, why not add a large-scale Stirling Engine? Wouldn't require any complicated piping or fluid mechanics, would still burn resources (coal, probably?) and produce usable power on demand. I'd personally say they would require at least iron, probably steel, to craft

As far as power output, why not something like 50kn continuous as long as they're fueled, with a taper to 0 as they lose heat when unfueled


Edited by VaelophisNyx
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It’s a good idea, and although the developers didn’t talk specifically about the Stirling engine, there is steam energy on the roadmap, by the way, there is an interesting (alas, seemingly abandoned) Harp’s Mechanical Revolution mod for early steam energy, which, in my opinion, if it’s not done according to your words, it’s made like a good one early steam power

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Besides the idea of adding a steam engine, a stirling engine could use all types of coal as fuel. A setable "speed limit" could be set with an UI or In-world slider button. Depending on the limit, the coal would burn faster or slower so that a speed of like 50kn would burn the coal at 100% of its burning time and 100kn at 200%. There could be a new type of coal that is specifically made for Stirling engines, that burns longer, but is harder to make, etc etc... I like the idea of a Stirling engine and more mechanical power!

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