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Mod Request - Better/disabled chewing sounds for misophonia?

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I have misophonia, and chewing is a big trigger for me. Enough so that the sound of my own chewing bothers me, and being additionally overwhelmed by sounds from media or others irl greatly affects my ability to eat. Many games have eating sounds that run my nerves raw, VS certainly isn't the worst offender. But the longer and the more frequently I play, the more it bothers me and the more it wanes my appetite

I love how tactile a lot of the sounds in VS feel, and really I don't want to have to turn down all sound effects in order to continue playing. I've searched for a mod that might help, with no luck (if anyone knows of one I might have missed please let me know!)

pie-in-the-sky ideal, I'd be able to adjust settings for the sound effect until it didn't bother me anymore. I'm guessing this would be difficult, or at the very least a pretty weighty mod for such a simple task. I'd also love the ability to choose between different sounds, or even just a flat change to a sound that's less..... wet? The more muffled or closed-mouth sounding the better, unrealistic crunching is also fine as long as it doesn't stray too far into open-mouthed chip-crunching territory

I would even take something that just removes the eating sound effect altogether while leaving everything else on

I can try to give more details about what would help or hurt, if anyone is interested or if it would be helpful

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tysm!! I think the other features of this mod will also help my partner, some visual effects make them very motionsick, even with temporal effects turned down/off

I can't believe I missed this, a little disappointed I didn't think to search for "accessibility" lol

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