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Ancient Military Technology (AnMiTech) 1.1.2 - updated for 1.19.8 and beyond


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Here's a link to the original post by tonzag, introducing the mod and all the items in its full glory:

Just an announcement, that I have updated this awesome, aesthetic mod for 1.19.8 and fixed the following issues from the original.

  1. Since the 1.19.x game update, the animation overhauls in-game messed up the weapon hitbox and player animations. Those have all been updated and fixed to be super responsive and accurate. No more swing-and-pray-and-miss!
  2. Player feedback on deliberately slowed swing speeds for many weapons like mace and axe was unfavourable. That debuff has been removed in this release. So, you can make a steel pernach and bash that tier 4 drifter now!
  3. Some of the weapons such as Sabre, Katana, Mace, etc. have been rebalanced (based on historical battle recreation video feedback)
  4. Many steel and steel tier armours in game were incorrectly tiered but now fixed.

As Tonzag hasn't been active on here for a long time, I've taken it upon myself to continue maintaining this mod until tonzag returns to take back his baby. As everyone will agree after using the mod, this is a great mod and deserves to be enjoyed by players well into the future. 

Request you to use this thread to continue further discussions for the mod to ensure quicker responses.

Without further ado, https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/14800

I hope all of you will treat this iteration of the veteran mod with the same love that you did while it was in the hands of the amazing tonzag. And I hope I can do justice to his legacy.

Thanks in advance for all your love and support as I get to grips with this new role/responsibility.


Edited by surio
Rewrote introduction, added item prefix
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  • surio changed the title to 1.19 Ancient Military Technology (AnMiTech) 1.1.2 updated for game version 1.19.8 and beyond
  • surio changed the title to Ancient Military Technology (AnMiTech) 1.1.2 - updated for 1.19.8 and beyond
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