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Craft Guide

Olaf Rojo

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Hi, does anyone know how I can get the guide for crafting or the in-game guide/wiki as an independent file on my computer? I'm not great at creating and remembering things.

Also, if there’s a way to get all the item icons from the game, that would be great for creating my own crafting guide. the image is a sample of the guide I begin a design. thanks

Captura de pantalla 2024-10-30 a la(s) 12.21.57 p.m..png

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Welcome, Olaf.

7 hours ago, Olaf Rojo said:

Hi, does anyone know how I can get the guide for crafting or the in-game guide/wiki as an independent file on my computer? I'm not great at creating and remembering things.

I believe the pages of the Survival Handbook are filled by stitching together the contents of all kinds of different .json-files.

7 hours ago, Olaf Rojo said:

Also, if there’s a way to get all the item icons from the game, that would be great for creating my own crafting guide.

.blockitempngexport inv [size in pixels]

eg. ".blockitempngexport inv 600" will export all blocks/items available in the creative inventory (which also includes blocks/items of enabled mods), with a resolution of 600x600 pixels. There are some restrictions in cases where textures are applied via attributes (for example lanterns). In those cases you take the desired block, move it into the active hotbar slot, and execute

.exponepng hand [size in pixels]
Edited by Brady_The
Added mod info to blockitempngexport.
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