Canoe Mod
Future plans
19 members have voted
1. (multiple answers) What boat should be added next? Currently boat speed is fixed, but in the future I'd like for smaller boats such as kayaks to be faster and larger paddle-powered ones to be slower.
Dugout canoe, a very low-end early game option, only needing logs, an axe, and some fire, 2 seats (used by ancient people everywhere)9
Umiak, a slightly larger wood or bone-and-hide boat, ~5-6 seats (a traditional Inuit and Yupik boat)3
Currach, a medium-large boat made of woven branches or wicker and hides or tarred canvas, 4-6 seats (traditional Irish boat)4
generic hide canoe, 4 seats (early/midgame boat like the birchbark one for regions without birch trees)2
Kayak, a small and light single-person hide or leather boat with a double-bladed paddle, no real storage space (an Inuit, Yupik, and Aleut boat)2
Dory, a slightly wider flat-bottomed boat made of wooden planks, 4-5 seats (European, popularized in New England in the early 1700's)5
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