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Future plans  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. (multiple answers) What boat should be added next? Currently boat speed is fixed, but in the future I'd like for smaller boats such as kayaks to be faster and larger paddle-powered ones to be slower.

    • Dugout canoe, a very low-end early game option, only needing logs, an axe, and some fire, 2 seats (used by ancient people everywhere)
    • Umiak, a slightly larger wood or bone-and-hide boat, ~5-6 seats (a traditional Inuit and Yupik boat)
    • Currach, a medium-large boat made of woven branches or wicker and hides or tarred canvas, 4-6 seats (traditional Irish boat)
    • generic hide canoe, 4 seats (early/midgame boat like the birchbark one for regions without birch trees)
    • Kayak, a small and light single-person hide or leather boat with a double-bladed paddle, no real storage space (an Inuit, Yupik, and Aleut boat)
    • Dory, a slightly wider flat-bottomed boat made of wooden planks, 4-5 seats (European, popularized in New England in the early 1700's)

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Posted (edited)


Do you want more watercraft in your game?

This mod adds woodtyped oars and a woodtyped birchbark canoe as an intermediate option between the makeshift raft and the massive (and expensive) sailboat.



Mod DB page: https://mods.vintagestory.at/canoemod




Canoe Types


Birchbark Canoe

Currently the only option, a single step up from the log raft


Crafted with 10 birch logs, 6 logs of any single wood type, 4 portions of pitch glue, 4 coils of rope, and an axe.


Has 4 seats and can store up to 2 vessels or chests and 2 reed chests. Only the middle seats are driveable (have you ever tried rowing from the very front or back of a canoe?) so really you can have 2 reed chests and 1 vessel/wood chest.





Woodtyped canoes and oars!


Custom rowing and sitting animations


Attachable containers to add inventory space


  • fixed some Z-fighting textures on the birchbark canoe
  • fixed a piece of the keel poking through the stern of the birchbark canoe
  • resolved some ambiguous texture references
  • patches that only need to be loaded serverside should now only be loaded serverside
  • added the ability to pick up the birchbark canoe with a free bag slot
  • added a portaging animation for moving canoes around

Version 1.0.0

  • Added woodtyped Oars, a woodtyped birchbark canoe, and all the relevant animations

(hopeful) Planned Features

  • add some more canoes and small watercraft - kayaks, umiaks, currachs, etc. 
  • transition from a content to a code mod to allow use of the 1.20 shipbuilding system and to change certain hardcoded variables (boat speed, inventory container attachment offsets, etc.) I'm barely a python script kiddie though, so this may take a while
  • add higher end small watercraft to allow for faster ocean exploration (e.g. a waxed leather or canvas canoe that requires endgame materials and is ~25% faster)
  • add some decoration and customization options, decals, decorations, etc.big things are coming
  • some better texture work and model tweaks



Feel free to post issues, ideas or suggestions below!

Edited by iuno
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

Looks very nice!

Edit: Inconsequential error messages, but for the sake of completeness: canoemod:item/tool/carvedoar contains paths to textures in game domain, but doesn't specify to look in the domain.

A couple of patches only have to be applied server side:


Patch 1 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 3 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 5 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 7 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 9 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 11 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 13 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 0 in game:patches/oillamp-canoe.json: File game:blocktypes/clay/oillamp.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 0 in game:patches/raft-carvedoar.json: File game:entities/water/boat.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side

On the canoe there's also some slight z-fighting going on, but solving it in the VSMC without making it look bad is not really doable due to the shape of the canoe.

Edited by Brady_The
  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Brady_The said:

Looks very nice!

Edit: Inconsequential error messages, but for the sake of completeness: canoemod:item/tool/carvedoar contains paths to textures in game domain, but doesn't specify to look in the domain.

A couple of patches only have to be applied server side:

  Hide contents

Patch 1 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 3 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 5 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 7 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 9 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 11 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 13 in canoemod:patches/animations.json: File game:entities/humanoid/player.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 0 in game:patches/oillamp-canoe.json: File game:blocktypes/clay/oillamp.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side
Patch 0 in game:patches/raft-carvedoar.json: File game:entities/water/boat.json not found. Hint: This asset is usually only loaded Server side

On the canoe there's also some slight z-fighting going on, but solving it in the VSMC without making it look bad is not really doable due to the shape of the canoe.

Thanks for catching those! I managed to fix the Z-fighting, that was on my to-do list anyway but I forgot about it as I was busy working out all of the other patches.
I believe I've worked out the other patches now too. I was gonna say that all of the animation patches were already loaded on the server side only but it turns out that I capitalized "server" there which isn't very useful. 


I really liked your mod, it fits perfectly into the main game. I made a Ukrainian localization, please add it so that players on our server can play more comfortably with this mod (some people sometimes don't know where the mod is and where the vanilla is when there is a localization😅). 

There is a proposal to add a boat that can accommodate 1-2 people and is faster (for travel) than other boats. But it would have to be more complicated, expensive, and technologically advanced to build.

There is an idea to add a boat with a mast slot and a sail that can be removed to “switch” it between rowing and sailing modes and to be able to disassemble the boat and carry it with you (boat and mast with sail separately. But most likely you will need C# here.



hi can i make some suggestions for new boats ?

i like a lot boats from pre-columbian america an boats from polynesia, so if you can add one of those you will make my days in vs better.

the first one i have to propose is the dugout canoes of the north-west coast of north america, they are large wooden canoes made to carry items and people, they were an important simbol of status amongs the people of the coast.


there is also the chumash Tomol, a sort of large kayak made of planks woven and glued together https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/CINMS_-_Tomol_Crossing_Sunrise_.jpg/1024px-CINMS_-_Tomol_Crossing_Sunrise_.jpg

then there is the waka taua, the war canoe of the maori people, a very large one made for war and transporting goods.



also idk if its possible, but if you are transporting other players, is it possible to make the canoe faster if they all have the oar or paddle eqquiped in their hands ? make it more interresting to travel with your friends 

Anyways, your mod is great it adds one of my favourite mod of transportation to the game wich makes it more interresting to me.

Keep the hard work cant wait for the new update


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