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Where Be Bees?


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I've gotten to the iron age still without seeing/hearing a bee hive. I've spent an hour or so wandering through a maple and pine forest with my volume turned up to the max, and looking up into the trees. I NEED candles, but this is getting ridiculous! Are there any other strategies for finding these things? in the worst case scenario, any commands to summon them?

Edited by Sam Scott
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hey sam,

Bee's are rather rare true but it's also a matter of luck. i suggest to search smaller groups of trees around a few hundred blocks south of your spawn and then expand the search to the east and west from there.

Worst case scenario if you are willing to cheat and you play singleplayer you can switch into creative mod via "/gamemode creativ" and place a beehive into the world at a point of your convineance.

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Thanks for the suggestions! 


I spent nearly another hour last night looking, and found a hive like 200 blocks from my base on the way back. 😩

I have some Skeps now, and they're spreading! thanks again!


also, didn't realize it used my name instead of my screenname, will be changing that! :P

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