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Graphics Card not supported?


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Hi Tyron,

I wanted to try Vintage Story but get the following error when starting the game. So my good old Thinkpad T420 with NVS 4200M is too old? :)

Running on 64 bit Windows with 8 GB RAM
Version: v1.13.4 (Stable)27.11.2020 18:31:07: Critical error occurred
System.NotSupportedException: Your graphics card does not support the extensions GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location which is required to start the game
   bei Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.LogAndTestHardwareInfos()
   bei _lYLQLGyldvbDG9rPQyiRVeIqQVp._EEzpApWBQHtHR4iMJabXK2wDvlA(_ex0VSgRAdtsvhANmJHZHaf9ATWt , String[] )
   bei _IcGByoJhapvESnm6vaOawAHbkeU._EEzpApWBQHtHR4iMJabXK2wDvlA(ThreadStart )

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This solved the issue and it starts now. Thank you very much!

The game seems pretty demanding for its style. I can only run it on "pathetic" settings which is almost unplayable. That's surprising since I played games like WoW, Civ5, XCom or Banished on this laptop in good quality.

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I gave it another try on weekend with a smaller custom map and less trees, which seems to have an effect. Lots of trees on screen drop fps on my system. That might be a tip for those with a weak card. Still have to lower resolution to 50% but could increase sight and it's playable. My first bivouac in Vintage Story..^^



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