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VS database backup problem


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We run small server for few players. VS database file grows more and more. It's about 6 GB now. Having some backup of database is very important. However daily backup of 6 GB file is a nightmare. We use server command "/genbackup". Server is about 10 minutes totally CKU (during backup). And finally it is suspended. I should start server again every morning .

Does anybody know how to make incremental backup ?

Please Tyron, can you do something to overcome this problem? I know this is some architecture and it's complicated to change it. However daily backup of many GB with supsended server after backup is really problem.

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6gb sounds huge, all my (singleplayer) worlds together including the whole installation (including mods) at this moment are only a bit less than 1gb (maybe around 0.1-0.2 gb for each world). i may have only explored a radius of about 2k blocks around my base though, found my first translocator yesterday after starting a new world in 1.14.5 (still under repairs).

Is it the same problem that Minecraft has with massively bloating world files? I know on the server i play on, we pruned it down from about 60gb to around 16gb when we updated to 1.16 last year.

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We are about 5-6 players. The most active player has reached coordinate 35000 by jumping through series of 6 translocators and he explored most of reached places. So the size of VS DB is quite logical.

We do some investigation now if it has something with our Linux distro and setting of SQLite. 

It seems DB backup run ok. We should only restart server every morning after backup.

And incremental backup of VS DB would be great. However I understand it's not easy to do something like that for VS developers.

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