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Upload single player world to server???

Jason Yarbro

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Good day, I've browsed around trying to find out how to upload my single player world to the GPortal server and have yet to find anything to really answer my questions. I've posted on the GPortal forum, but haven't heard anything on it yet. Also, I wasn't sure if this was the right forum area to post this, but I wanted to give it a shot. Let me know if I need to move this topic to a better location.


1-How does on upload their single player world so that it can be used as the base world generation to play with others? I've watched some tutorials on other servers such as Minecraft, as there are none yet for Vintage Story. I'm currently using filezilla for the mods that we are currently using for the world that was created. And with VS, unlike Minecraft, a seed doesn't give you a "known product". So I have been trying to figure out how to upload my single player world like I have seen others doing, but I'm not too great at in-depth workings of computers :(.


2-Will there ever be more generation options available for VS similar to MC and other games? On VS server creation, there are maybe a dozen options, whereas for MC there are dozens. This question was mainly for the gportal people, but if anyone knows I'd be glad to have the info ;).


3-How does one take a server back to zero and start fresh? There is a big update coming and I think I will want to start a new world to incorporate the changes rather then trying to update the current world generation.


Thanks for any help/links/videos/suggestions/tips that y'all can provide. Have a great one!

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maybe question or multiplayer would have been better places for the topic... Foremost I'm no server admin but maybe I still can help?

59 minutes ago, Jason Yarbro said:

And with VS, unlike Minecraft, a seed doesn't give you a "known product".

Even with MC using the same seed doesn't necessary mean there is no difference, going forward that will increase as MC just started using methods of blending biomes and terrain into each other (before 1.18 it was only visually and several blended biomes had to be used and biomes were only 2d). Using the same seed in VS should give you nearly identical maps too (terrain and which rocks/soils to find where should be identical). Though i think treasures, ores and similar things are generated when opening them/generating the chunk leading to different outcomes (in MC those are generated when generating the world) similarly translocators pairing only happens when using one, etc.

uploading the world should be as simple as uploading mods... locate the data folder both on the server installation and on your drive, copy the contents of the subfolders maps, playerdata and saves onto the server (in case anything goes wrong make backups of the files on the server) or just copy the whole data folder, that should be everything.

59 minutes ago, Jason Yarbro said:

Will there ever be more generation options available for VS similar to MC and other games? On VS server creation, there are maybe a dozen options, whereas for MC there are dozens.

There are several options more that you can change via commands, but I think the 43 visible customizable options when creating the world are way more than what comes with MC... Of course if you are speaking about Spigot, Bukkit, etc. those are modded versions of MC, unofficial forks of the game, often messing with even core mechanics. If You mean those options, that's as if you would ask why aren't different versions of VS similar to bedrock and java MC available?

59 minutes ago, Jason Yarbro said:

How does one take a server back to zero and start fresh? There is a big update coming and I think I will want to start a new world to incorporate the changes rather then trying to update the current world generation.

Update the game version, then create a new world? I somehow doubt it would be much more complicated than in singleplayer.

Edited by Hal13
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I really appreciate the info Hal! I don't really post on forums that much, as I can usually find the answers searching through other peoples questions thankfully. And this is the first time I found a game that I could convince my family to give it a shot as well. As far as the second part of the post you replied to, I was referring to the options on GPortal, not on the VS Client side, I apologize for not being a bit more descriptive on that portion. But yeah, I like how many options there are for sure. I'll play around a bit more and see if I can put your info to good use. I'm normally a PS4 guy and don't do too many games on PC, so still learning, even at 40 ;).

Also, do you know how to move this post to a better place on the forums???

Edited by Jason Yarbro
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3 minutes ago, Jason Yarbro said:

Also, do you know how to move this post to a better place on the forums???

sorry no idea, but i don't think it's a problem, only that it would grant you better results, in my experience people rather look in questions (or similar parts of a forum) if they are able to help with some problem, than actively looking through other parts of forums and multiplayer affine persons will most likely be found looking in the multiplayer related sub forum. Eventually there will be help with (or at least somewhat helpful comments on) any problem anywhere.

8 minutes ago, Jason Yarbro said:

I was referring to the options on GPortal

I think then it's easy to answer: MC has millions of players, VS only thousands, hence MC is more profitable for them and has a more diverse player base they need to cater to. I'd say there are no kindergarden children playing VS, nor are there huge competitions with live broadcasting...

14 minutes ago, Jason Yarbro said:

even at 40

wdym with that? Back in the days, when I went to school, we were taught something about learning never ends. just kidding there may still be a few more years until I reach the 40s. Though that lifelong learning thing always seemed to be a lie looking at some of my teachers and how outdated materials and information were often times (heck sometimes materials were several decades behind, mentioning countries that ceased to exist years ago, scientific data far from up-to-date and cold war tech as being new), but with how people again started following right wing propaganda everywhere obviously learning isn't humanities strong suit...

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So very true all the way around!!!!! Little nuggets of truth right there. I wish there were more people playing this great game....as long as it didn't lose it's creative core and development. I like minecraft and all, but this game is so much better for me personally. It's simpler and more complex at the same time, if that makes sense. More adult, in a good way ;)

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Hi, not sure how it works in GPortal, but fol local server you have to update server.sh file.

DATAPATH='... PATH TO DATA - YOUR WORLD FROM SINGLEPLAYER in ~/.config/VintagestoryData/...' 

under DATA update serverconfig.json - Paths

  "ModPaths": [
    "... PATH TO SERVER/Mods"


"SaveFileLocation": "... PATH TO DATA/Saves/default.vcdbs",

Look here form some info: https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=Setting_up_a_Multiplayer_Server


Basically you need to copy your Singleplayer Data from VintagestoryData directory to server and update server files.

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