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Wolves taking over my house


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Sorry if this is a bit of a noob question, but I guess I'm a bit of a noob.

It seems inevitable that, a few days into my adventure, I'm attacked by a pack of wolves near my house. If I manage to get inside to safety, they wait outside indefinitely for me to emerge. If they kill me, they take a seat and wait indefinitely to kill me again when I come back to collect my things. Is this intended behavior? Am I missing something? It's sort of... obnoxious. During my first wolf death, I expected they would eat all my food and then leave, or something to that effect. Not that they'd spawn camp me. I've seen the advice about building in plains, not forests, but I must be a poor judge of biome, because even when I thought I had built in the right spot things went poorly.

So, I guess this thread is just an open request for advice from smarter players. Is there some way to scare them off, perhaps?

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I would suggest make some spears, like 5 or 6. Wolves are tough but if you can kite and throw spears at them they go down pretty fast.  Once you get them away from your spears, loop back around to pick them up and repeat. As you get better at doing this you can carry less and less spears. You can also make some really basic grass armor that will give you about an extra hit before they kill you. Once you get a flax farm going making gambesons are really good. 


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Before I played with unstable soil I had success with tunneling out of my home: if you're standing in a 1X2 trench the wolves have a very hard time getting to you, and you can strike them as they pass overhead.  You can still do it with unstable soil, but it's much more complicated.

They're not really spawn camping - if a rabbit runs by they'll probably chase it, then camp where they catch it.  It might be possible to engineer this.

Once you're kiting them, you can lead them to a prepared trap - for example, a pit with a spire that you can run-jump on to and off from.

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