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Body temperature not lowering?


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Hi everyone,

I'm hosting a vanilla LAN game for myself and 1 friend. It is now winter time and for some reason, my body temperature is always above 37C, even if I stand out in -8C weather with no torch or clothing all day. My temperature moves slightly but always hovers above 37. My friend gets cold constantly when outside and has to build fires to stay warm. I have used some commands in the world to change some settings but I don't think I've affected temperature in any way.

Any idea what's going wrong? I'd like to have to worry about getting to cold in the winter.


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Here are a few things that might be the reason:

Are both of you wearing identical clothing (and that includes the state the clothes are in)?
Is your friend jumping in and out of water often and you don't?
Maybe you have still admin rights enabled and those include immunity?

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We were wearing identical clothing and I was jumping in water as well.

Actually, since I had this problem, I downloaded a couple mods and restarted the game a number of times. One time when I was outside, my temperature suddenly dropped to 30C, then slowly recovered. It seems to have been functioning normally since. It might have been related to admin rights or something! I was messing around with commands and may have accidentally done something. Seems to be working now though.

Thanks for the reply!

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