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Omega Haxors

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Posts posted by Omega Haxors

  1. Right now Nutrition exists to give you extra health, though this is a very bad reward for maintaining good health, and here's why:

    • The death penalty is to lose nutrition. Since this lowers your max health, it leads to situations where you might death loop.
    • Extra health is only useful when in combat or taking fall damage. If you can avoid both, nutrition literally does not matter.
    • It's extremely hard to notice your reward as you gain or lose progress, you have to actively stat-watch to even notice improvement.
    • Makes it impossible to balance the damage output of monsters, since what might be fair for max-nutrition would instakill normal players.

    Instead of buffing health, it makes more sense to buff a far more impactful stat to the game: Your speed. Here's why:

    • Noticeable immediately. Even a small change to movement speed can be clocked by the player.
    • Progression. Feel yourself get stronger as you improve your diet.
    • Painful loss on death. Dying feels bad, but more importantly: doesn't meaningfully affect the balance of the game.
    • Encourage Players to wear armor. Lower health means you have to rely more on armor, and increased speed counters armor downsides.
    • Always useful. No matter what point in the game you are, being able to get around quicker is always appreciated.
    • Edge in combat. A better-fed player will always outperform a worse-fed one by giving them a subtle edge.

    As an added bonus, your break speed, jump height and cold resistance also increases with nutrition.
    Finally, cooked foods no longer provide extra saturation but instead give boosted nutrition.
    (This isn't 100% a related change, but almost everyone can agree that the saturation boost from cooking completely trivializes the hunger system.)

    • Like 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, Hal13 said:

    i mean there are several dirts and you'd need a recipe for each of them, then you'd need to make sure the chiseled dirt actually is able to act like dirt (grass spreading onto it), else you only get several types of brown, because you cannot get the block with grass on top only the dirt...

    i don't know how VS knows which block can be chiseled, if there is a flag or something adding that flag to the block might be easier than figuring out how to make a new block that grass can grow on.

    If you want the game to actually treat it like dirt, yeah that's a whole can of worms that's going to take hours to figure out. Chisel blocks are a bit of a hack.

  3. Universal Value is designed to replicate the gameplay of Equivalent Exchange 2 (Project E) from Minecraft, and the Grand Exchange from Runescape.

    Every single item in the game is given a value, which can then be used to freely transmute between any other item which have been 'unlocked'
    You can unlock items in the Catalogue by researching them (destroying them) which allows everyone to infinitely replicate the item forever.

    Replicating an item costs Universal Value. Every time you withdraw, the item's price increases by an exponentially increasing amount.
    At first, it will only increase by a small bit, but every time you repeat a transaction, the price will increase more and more until it reaches infinity.
    Likewise, every time you deposit an item, the inverse will happen: the amount being given to you decreasing more and more until it reaches 0.
    As you've no doubt figured out, you gain Universal Value based on the value of the item by destroying the item and sinking it from the game.

    Furthermore, there is an energy tax to using the system. Transactions cost either physical energy provided by the player, or via a shaft node.
    The more energy you provide, the faster you will complete the transaction. Transactions can be cancelled at any time, giving a full UV/Item refund.
    Transaction cost will also increase if you're driving the price away from its normal value, and will decrease if you're helping restore it to normal.

    The goal of Universal Value is to create a healthy in-game economy where players are rewarded for engaging with game's more obscure mechanics.
    By boiling down all item interactions into their rawest form, problems with game design will become very apparent, which will make balancing a lot easier.
    Hopefully emergent gameplay will result from using the system, which will open up possibilities not seen in the main game.

    • Amazing! 1
  4. On 10/30/2021 at 3:27 AM, PhotriusPyrelus said:

    <.<  It is possible to have one download with many mods on the mod screen so you can select what parts you want to enable?  That's how I most-like it to be done.

    It *might* be possible by packing multiple mods within the same zip file. Even if it wasn't you could so a subdirectory where you put all the mods into a folder/zip file then have the user manually put in the mods that they want to use. Would be the easiest way to distribute modpacks too.

  5. Wolves have a spawnpoint. They'll respawn around that point forever. It sounds like you based near one of those spawn points.

    You can abuse this mechanic to get infinite animal products, but more or less it's just a frustration that needs to be patched out.

    For now you can work around it by trapping the wolves instead of killing them outright. They won't bother you ever again.

  6. 10 hours ago, AdrianNumbers said:



    I actually considered scrolling but decided against it because of annoyances in minecraft with similar systems where you sneak and it gets caught up on your hotbar.
    In retrospect there's no reason I couldn't have just used a harmless control like... control to, well control this behavior. Yeah, that's a really good point.

  7. The trend seems to be that each mod adds one feature. I think it's for the best. The worst thing about minecraft modding was how every mod would add the same features and any modpack would have 30 different macerators. It was insufferable. On the flip side you had power tripping pack devs who bothered to put in the effort to remove duplicate functionality but then would spend the rest of their energy railroading you into their style of play. Equally insufferable.

    At least mods here you can choose which things you want to add.

    For example, I created World of Darkness to balance out Immersive Phototrophy, but kept them separate downloads. The player can choose to download one or both.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Windego said:

    Well for any other class than the tailor class, it makes sense to me personally.
    Consider making a set of pants yourself without anyone teaching you how to do it. The condition and quality is going to suffer because of it.

    ... Though, arguably that /should/ also apply to armor and tools and weapons if we go by that logic.

    I wouldn't mind a system like that if it meant armor was repairable.

  9. Yeah the armor system needs a serious rework if stuff like this is going to be happening.
    You shouldn't go out of your way make armor only to be instantly killed anyway.

    The problem isn't the high damage of the enemy, but the fact that most armor is slightly more protective than aluminum foil.

    • Like 1
  10. You can buy them from the Treasure Hunter then resell them to Commodities for a huge profit.
    Malefactor can pick them up but it's such a low chance it may as well never happen.
    Still, if you manage to get one, you'll be able to sell it for a healthy 10 gears.

    EDIT: It's the same deal with wolf pups and other unobtainables: Find the shop that sells them then resell for a profit.
    The wiki has all the trades documented. Clothing is especially good for reselling, though pretty risky. Colored Glass is slow but safe.

    • Like 1
  11. On 9/29/2021 at 2:49 PM, Maelstrom said:

    It also removes the decision whether to save the raw ore for grinding in the pulverizer or smelt via normal means.

    It's a false decision. You're forced to do it if you want to play effectively. Exactly the kind of design I'm trying to stay away from.

    • Like 2
  12. I want there to be a way to pull from the ore map directly through some kind of mechanic. Being able to extract trace minerals from the ground would go a long way in preventing the probability-based system of actually looking for a deposit, and remove those annoying situations when an ore has a high chance to spawn, but doesn't.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, l33tmaan said:

    The Commoner has no place in a class system. Tweak the other classes, ditch Commoner, and add the ability to disable classes altogether.

    "What if I join a server that has classes enabled and I don't want to play one?" Go to another server.

    People will just mod in a "classless" class. Pull don't push. Forcing people to pick a class is just going to piss them off. It's been made abundantly clear by both how people vote and how they play that people simply aren't interested in playing the game any other way than the way it was intended to be played from the beginning. The takeaway here isn't commoner is too good but that the allure of the other classes just isn't enough to make up for the shortcomings.

    • Like 2
  14. On 11/25/2020 at 7:06 AM, Minnigin said:

    I'm no modder but I can edit stuff and I've edited my pine tree files to produce resin 15% of the time instead of 1-2% to compensate for this mods changes.

    The files for the trees are in Vintagestory\assets\survival\worldgen\treegen and the lines are         

    otherLogBlockCode: "log-resin-pine-ud",
    otherLogChance: 0.01,

    like I stated though I only know how to make these changes for myself and can't produce a mod, perhaps I'll learn to make a more resin producing mod

    It's actually really easy, run ModMaker.exe and it will take every file that's different in your install and packs it into a ZIP file for you.

  15. Just a simple patch which makes a majority of crafted blocks gain the speed bonus effect of dirt paths.
    No longer do you need to cover your base with paths in order to benefit from a speed boost!
    Some lesser blocks such as wood and cob give a weaker speed bonus, while Metal Blocks give a whopping 1.5x increase.

    This patch also reduces your speed slightly on wild Clay and Peat, discouraging you from building on them and giving you a little bit of a subtle notification when you're running over some.


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  16. 1 hour ago, Thalius said:

    Check your temp files folder and delete the ones related to Vintage Story. When you run the ModMaker.exe program, it stores some files there when first run and then detects those files stored there whenever you again run the program and builds the mod off those files, which look different somehow to the modmaker program than the vanilla files do.

    Not sure if that is your problem, but I'd start there if you have not already.

    That was it! Well the issue is still prevalent, it's nice that there's a way to get around it. Anyway, here's it is: 👑

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