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Posts posted by NastyFlytrap

  1. 13 hours ago, Kriss said:

    OP basically sent that and never re-visited the post again ':/

    I might as well throw in my two dimes. I'm one of those people that try to play with as little mods as possible. I currently have 1 mod, and that is related to bed respawn, other than that I'm all vanilla.

    But since some people in this thread play with 50+ mods, i do wonder.. What do all those mods do? Are they changing the way the game is played, or how does it affect your game/world and most importantly, your frames /sec?

    For me its mostly creature mods, to make the world livelier

  2. 4 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    Just verifying we're talking about the same thing, don't worry about it.

    But yes, it seems that you'll have to replace the UID all across the database of the old savegame, not just in the playerdata table.

    What database? The file that is my save? Yea, it has the aforementioned table in it, handling all the player related things. Outside of that im not aware of it being anywhere else

    That file *is* the database, and i dont think the UID is mentioned anywhere other than the playerdata table and its blobs.

  3. 3 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    Oh, you mean you made a new world, copied the player UID out of that, and pasted it into the old world?

    (Or did you try to use the game key as a player UID? Because that definitely won't work.)

    Not sure there is a solution to your problem, unfortunately. My main suspicion is that the player UID is used elsewhere in the database to link data back to the player that owns it. You'd likely have to replace the old UID string with the new one in every single instance where it appears anywhere in the database. And at least the SQLite browser I'm using doesn't show most of the world data in plain text, but rather as nonstandard data blobs which it can't read.

    What game key?
    There is a UID referenced everywhere, in the savefiles, there is a playerdata table with a literal column called UID, and next to it is a blob that contains the UID several times aswell, and on top of this, in %appdata% there are several files referencing the same UID everywhere aswell. In the logs it says the UID of the player who connected, in the config files it notes which UID's have been logged in on this computer, its everywhere

    I dont know what you mean

  4. Okay, i realised that the octet in front of the player UID is unique to said UID and it needs to be overwritten too. New error


    26.12.2023 12:45:12 [Notification] Starting server threads
    26.12.2023 12:45:12 [Event] Singleplayer Server now running!
    26.12.2023 12:45:13 [Notification] All clients disconnected, pausing game calendar.
    26.12.2023 12:45:14 [Notification] A Client attempts connecting via Dummy connection, assigning client id 1
    26.12.2023 12:45:14 [Notification] Client uid [blank] attempting identification. Name: NastyFlytrap
    26.12.2023 12:45:14 [Notification] Unable to deserlialize and init player data for playeruid [blank]. Will create new one. Exception: ProtoBuf.ProtoException: Invalid wire-type; this usually means you have over-written a file without truncating or setting the length; see https://stackoverflow.com/q/2152978/23354
       at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.SkipField() in C:\Code\pb-net_24\src\protobuf-net\ProtoReader.cs:line 801
       at proto_70(Object, ProtoReader)
       at ProtoBuf.Serializers.CompiledSerializer.ProtoBuf.Serializers.IProtoSerializer.Read(Object value, ProtoReader source)
       at ProtoBuf.Meta.RuntimeTypeModel.Deserialize(Int32 key, Object value, ProtoReader source)
       at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.DeserializeCore(ProtoReader reader, Type type, Object value, Boolean noAutoCreate)
       at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type, SerializationContext context)
       at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type)
       at ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize[T](Stream source)
       at Vintagestory.API.Util.SerializerUtil.Deserialize[T](Byte[] data)
       at Vintagestory.Server.ConnectedClient.LoadOrCreatePlayerData(ServerMain server, String playername, String playerUid)
    26.12.2023 12:45:14 [Error] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerPlayer.Init() in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\Models\ServerPlayer.cs:line 125
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerPlayer..ctor(ServerMain server, ServerWorldPlayerData worlddata) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\Models\ServerPlayer.cs:line 119
       at Vintagestory.Server.ConnectedClient.LoadOrCreatePlayerData(ServerMain server, String playername, String playerUid) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\Models\ConnectedClient.cs:line 231
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.FinalizePlayerIdentification(Packet_ClientIdentification packet, ConnectedClient client, String entitlements) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMainNetworking.cs:line 240
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.HandlePlayerIdentification(Packet_Client p, ConnectedClient client) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerGeneralPacketHandler.cs:line 645
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.HandleClientPacket(ConnectedClient client, Byte[] data) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMainNetworking.cs:line 152
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.ProcessNetMessage(NetIncomingMessage msg, NetServer mainSocket) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMainNetworking.cs:line 108
    26.12.2023 12:46:02 [Notification] Server stop requested, begin shutdown sequence. Stop reason: Exit request by client

    I looked up the stack overflow post but i dont know where the length sensitive bits are. As far as i can tell all the bits are storing important data

  5. On 8/12/2023 at 4:53 PM, NastyFlytrap said:

    Long story short i torrented the game, i played it, started two savefiles, bought the game and now i cant use those two save files because the characters in those single player worlds are still not tied to the world itself but the instance running the world.

    I figured out that the characters are tied to the player UID, which for me is the one given to me when i bought the game. However, the two old savefiles are using the fake name i put into the torrented version twice as the UID.

    How can i edit the files themselves to swap the fake UID for my real one? I am technically inclined, i considered using a hex editor to do this but for that for example im having issues locating the octets that contain this string.

    For reference, if you try to load a single player save file with a different UID, the world stays the same, but it prompts you to generate a new character, so the inventory, map markers, character design, everything is lost.

    Please help me, i was a good boy, i paid for the game because i like it and the devs are honest
    I just wish to be able to play on the old savefiles with my real purchased account

    Well, i almost did it.

    I downloaded sqlite browser, switched to the playerdata table, modified the playerUID to my current one but it stopped working. Here are the logs. Something about data left in the buffer.


    26.12.2023 12:20:29 [Notification] Client uid [blanked] attempting identification. Name: NastyFlytrap
    26.12.2023 12:20:29 [Notification] Unable to deserlialize and init player data for playeruid [blanked]. Will create new one. Exception: ProtoBuf.ProtoException: Unconsumed data left in the buffer; this suggests corrupt input
       at ProtoBuf.ProtoReader.CheckFullyConsumed() in C:\Code\pb-net_24\src\protobuf-net\ProtoReader.cs:line 1339
       at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type, SerializationContext context) in C:\Code\pb-net_24\src\protobuf-net\Meta\TypeModel.cs:line 592
       at ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel.Deserialize(Stream source, Object value, Type type) in C:\Code\pb-net_24\src\protobuf-net\Meta\TypeModel.cs:line 570
       at ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize[T](Stream source) in C:\Code\pb-net_24\src\protobuf-net\Serializer.cs:line 68
       at Vintagestory.API.Util.SerializerUtil.Deserialize[T](Byte[] data) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryApi\Util\SerializerUtil.cs:line 36
       at Vintagestory.Server.ConnectedClient.LoadOrCreatePlayerData(ServerMain server, String playername, String playerUid) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\Models\ConnectedClient.cs:line 207
    26.12.2023 12:20:29 [Error] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerPlayer.Init() in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\Models\ServerPlayer.cs:line 125
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerPlayer..ctor(ServerMain server, ServerWorldPlayerData worlddata) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\Models\ServerPlayer.cs:line 119
       at Vintagestory.Server.ConnectedClient.LoadOrCreatePlayerData(ServerMain server, String playername, String playerUid) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\Models\ConnectedClient.cs:line 231
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.FinalizePlayerIdentification(Packet_ClientIdentification packet, ConnectedClient client, String entitlements) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMainNetworking.cs:line 240
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.HandlePlayerIdentification(Packet_Client p, ConnectedClient client) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerGeneralPacketHandler.cs:line 645
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.HandleClientPacket(ConnectedClient client, Byte[] data) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMainNetworking.cs:line 152
       at Vintagestory.Server.ServerMain.ProcessNetMessage(NetIncomingMessage msg, NetServer mainSocket) in C:\Users\Tyron\Documents\vintagestory\game\VintagestoryLib\Server\ServerMainNetworking.cs:line 108


  6. 10 hours ago, McOrigin said:

    Found this thread by google seaching the respawn rates of a bear. I got one, not too far from my base but have been safe the first year. However, bear territory spawns chickens and I need those. I managed to build a big pen and corner a hen. Luckily I fenced her off in a small 2x2 pen with 2 high fences because the bear came after us..

    It could not kill my hen over or through the fence and I managed to kill the bear in an intense fight. Man, that felt great to lot that pelt and fat!

    Unfortunately the bear respawn less than two minutes later and got me in the back. That was not so much fun. Is this  respawn rate normal? Should I cage the bear instead to avoid a quick respawn?

    It is pretty normal, hence why the post exists

  7. As an idea it sounds cool as hell, hearing other players' voice naturally, from far away or nearby with a sound engine that can semi-accurately replicate the effect of a far away sound source, it sounds really cool! Plus, it'd add a reason to have an eldritch walkie talkie in the game that classes like the clockmaker could tinker with. I know it wouldnt be a clock, but its a small mechanical tool like a clock, the skills should transfer from clock running on eldritch gears to walkie talkie running on eldritch gears...

  8. In this post i asked Herb if he or anyone he knew could help edit my savefile, and the comment is not there so im going to assume you deleted it without telling me.
    That wasnt very nice of you. I have no idea what rule i broke with it and i am not going to know now.

    At this point im starting to gaslight myself that i never made the comment in the first place and i was just dreaming it and thats not fun.

  9. 18 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

    What does "variety" mean apart from a different sized hit box, a few differences in attribute parameters, and the model/animation? A reskin, in other words?

    I'm still not sure what I think of the Resonance Archive, but whatever one thinks, it was not simply a reskin of an existing game entity.

    You've just described the creative process of creating a new mob.

    If that makes it a reskin to you, i dont know what wouldnt.

  10. 14 hours ago, Cosmic Hermit said:

    I'm not sure if this is entirely apple to apples, but going to a southern savanna biome and counting the number of concurrent hyena groups may give and idea of the upper bounds on hostile spawn density.  The densest I saw was 3-7 groups in a 16 chunk area [4x4].  If the same logic applies to wolves in forests... yeah, that'd be a lot.  I generally keep 4 stone spears on me for pest removal, but sometimes death is inevitable.

    I kinda like a hostile environment because it gives me something to fight in the early game, but I can certainly see how that might get annoying.

    I just wish there was more variety in the hostile encounters i was having + make them respawn slower

  11. On 11/3/2023 at 6:56 PM, Cassandra Burton said:

    How you draw your bow is determined by your dominant eye rather than your dominant hand.  You want to be looking down the arrow with your strongest eye basically.

    While most people do share hand dominance with their eye, its not that uncommon to be right handed but left eyed. 

    The way the characters handle the bow isn't wrong, just a little statistically unlikely.



    Also if you find that you suck with anything that involves longer distance accuracy IRL like golf, archery, shooting, baseball pitching, even hockey, you might be cross dominant and using the incorrect hand.  You can actually test your eye dominance at home: https://www.allaboutvision.com/resources/dominant-eye-test.htm

    Also, i tried figuring out which eye of mine is dominant and apparently neither of them are

    I suppose that explains why i could never figure out if i wanted to hold my bow with the left or right hand, and therefore i just learned how to do it with both

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Cassandra Burton said:

    How you draw your bow is determined by your dominant eye rather than your dominant hand.  You want to be looking down the arrow with your strongest eye basically.

    While most people do share hand dominance with their eye, its not that uncommon to be right handed but left eyed. 

    The way the characters handle the bow isn't wrong, just a little statistically unlikely.



    Also if you find that you suck with anything that involves longer distance accuracy IRL like golf, archery, shooting, baseball pitching, even hockey, you might be cross dominant and using the incorrect hand.  You can actually test your eye dominance at home: https://www.allaboutvision.com/resources/dominant-eye-test.htm

    Well, i guess i learned something today

    • Like 1
  13. 26 minutes ago, Ogi Teh yeti said:

    Right now we hold the bow as if we were left handed, in that the bow is in our right arm and we pull the string with our left, a right handed archer would hold the bow in the left hand and pull with the right hand. I don't know what you are talking about in much of this, I would assume english may not be your first language but I have never seen any archery style where you rest the bow on your arms, unless you are trying to describe canting the bow to one side or the other. Typically a bow held in the left hand and drawn with the right is canted so the top limb is to the right, and a bow held in the right hand and pulled with the left hand is canted to the left, but only if you are canting the bow (leaning it to the side as you aim and shoot) and not just shooting with the bow vertical. I don't know what style of archery you did, but there are many styles and variations out there. For right now, the bow animation is fine except that our character is right handed and we shoot a bow as if we were left handed (bow held in right hand). 

    Source: also an archer. 

    Yea, i messed up my explanation thats for sure, but basically, if you're holding the bow with your right hand l ike in the game the top half of the bow should lean towards the right, not the left. The way they are holding it right now is very awkward and clumsy

  14. If the character we're playing as is right handed then the top of the bow should be tilted towards the hand they are holding it with, not in the opposite direction.
    Basically, if you're left handed, you're holding the bow with your left hand, tilting its top to the left, the arm you're holding it with, and you pull the tendon with your right hand
    If you're right handed, you hold the bow with your right hand, tilt the top of the bow to the right 'thereby letting it rest on your arm', and you pull the tendon with your left hand

    Source: I practiced archery for some years

    I'd expect the character to hold the bow properly in an uncompromising hardcore survival game

    Also, pls gib option to make character left handed after you fixed the animation

  15. Just because its unstable for you, doesnt mean its unstable in general.

    I for one, am using like 50-60 mods and i have never crased once in like 80 hours or something.

    Edit: Maybe if you'd tell us what your crash log or error message says we'd be able to figure out why you're crashing.

    • Like 5
  16. 8 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

    Then leave soil instability off when you create a world.  If you want to turn it off on your existing world, I'm sure there's a command you enter to turn it off.

    Yea but i still want them to fall.

    I genuinely dont understand why its such a hard concept for some of you to grasp this.

    Edit: In fact, i want to be able to turn on gravity for most blocks, i just dont care about sideways instability

    • Wolf Bait 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Maelstrom said:

    So the angle of repose doesn't apply until someone walks on the dirt?

    If terraforming with soil instability on, consider using cob or packed dirt.  Those two are not affected by gravity.  Cob will eventually grow grass, but takes a lot longer than regular soil.  Packed dirt will never grow grass.

    This doesnt solve the issue of all the pretty mountains the game generates by itself will turn to shit, which is what bothers me.

  18. On 8/14/2023 at 11:57 PM, Thorfinn said:

    Been thinking about this, trying to come up with how I'd use it. What is gained by having non-sliding falling blocks that you couldn't accomplish with, say, packed earth, apart from being able to remove them safely from ground level?

    I don't think mountains shed dirt without you or some critter walking on it. I guess that could be worthwhile -- if a ram climbs your mountains and is caught in the slide, he will aggro.

    Im asking for falling blocks/dirt for immersion.

    Not because i want to 'use it' in any way.

  19. 3 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

    I don't know that I'm understanding what you mean by "diagonally".

    Let's say a block falls one Z. It hits a lone flat block directly below. It then:

    1. Stops. No further movement,
    2. Can (but does not have to) slide one block in either the X or the Y, but not both, or,
    3. Can (but does not have to) slide one block in X and one block in Y.

    The most natural meaning of diagonal seems to be 3, but I don't think it does that anyway. Or it might. Landslides and avalanches seem pretty chaotic, so I just stay out of the way. But eliminating 2 is a major change in behavior, and completely eliminates the hazards of landslides and avalanches. Is that what you meant? Sandpiles work the same way they do in Terraria, where they can form cliff faces into outer space?

    I meant the landslide mechanic.
    I would like dirt to fall without it sliding off the tops of my pretty mountains.

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