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  1. Do you have full blocks above your head? AFAIK less than full blocks don't count for ceilings. I bet if you made a loft (if there's not one already of course) and put full blocks above your head it'd count as a room. EDIT: I assume by "wall off" you mean you made the floors completely enclosed with full blocks. If that's the case I'm not sure what's going on either.
  2. I don't think it's the resource cost, but I think in my world that's certainly a factor since I can't seem to find enough surface deposits. Rather there seems to be a lot of one or two things that like to clog the chests you throw down. Dirt, peat, etc. It's pretty convenient to not have to look through chests too, as you can just hover and click with an empty hand and grab what you need. I honestly prefer the crates to ground storage for stuff like charcoal and peat and wood. Since you have expressed a JIT style of play where you try and only spend time doing something when you need it, you obviously would prefer chests over crates. Besides that you can combine two chests into a trunk and get another 4 slots in a 2x1x1 package which is also pretty good storage economy. I personally do a lot of chore work at the start of each day. Shaving trees/bushes, harvesting grass, chopping trees. Stuff like that goes really well into crates and just comes out when it's needed.
  3. I've been watching a couple guides and it seems like no one actually uses them. Meanwhile the fact that it can store tons of a single item seems really useful to me. Sure you really shouldn't have that many things you want to store like that, but I could see myself making a storage room with crates in each corner.
  4. The funny thing is that this game takes some inspiration from archeology. There's a lot of lore to be found and things to unearth from the previous civilization. It's a double whammy of connection. Welcome.
  5. Good question. They finally migrated but I have no idea what changed. I did plop a few more flowers around, it registered about 80 but the wiki says 22+ is already the quickest it can take to swarm. It's the second day of September and I dropped the skep down earlyish to mid June. Basically 2 weeks have passed. Definitely seems like twice as long as the guy I watched.
  6. I'm starting to think there's a bug here, but I can't seem to get this hive to swarm. This empty skep (seen below the hive in the screenie) has been sitting here for several in-game days now in this position. Before I moved it there it had been sitting right below the hive on a large platform. I was under the impression that a large pop wild hive would move in after a while, and the block info would update as soon as it decided if it wanted to swarm. Just seems pretty weird because I was watching a guide and did almost exactly what he did and his hive swarmed pretty quickly. The only difference between his hive and mine is that his was a large hive not a medium one.
  7. I had this happen too, but recently it finally quit. Think it turned summer so the rainfall has lessened.
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