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Everything posted by Malnaur

  1. @kingdrasker Fair enough. I would amend my comment that you would not simply look around but I still maintain you would not automatically know where the missile came from, especially if you are out in the open. I would not expect an animal to even understand the causality of a long range missile beyond knowing, "something hurts now". Given the rather absurd number of arrows needed to bring down quarry here (a poor bow and basic arrow won't even kill a rabbit with one shot). I'm rather glad I don't have to chase *everything* half way across the map
  2. So, read my response again, which was both polite and without ad hominem content, and then read yours, and consider how we are communicating. You seem to assume I am a newbie who simply doesn't understand the game yet. As I'm approaching 1000 hours of play, I think I understand the basics pretty well. There is a species of forum dweller that takes it on themselves to point out to everyone else that what they perceive as weaknesses are simply their failure to appreciate the perfection of the game as it is. The point of early access is to give the type of feedback I gave (here in the SUGGESTIONS forum). You didn't provide an opinion of my suggestion, you expressed an opinion about my 'faulty' game play. It would be hypocritical of me to say you can't post what you did but, once again, comments like yours shut down conversation rather than foster it and this conversation is now so. Thanks.
  3. Crocks sealed with beeswax ARE cans. The contents are often good for years in a cellar. This is a very ancient preservation tool IRL.
  4. Run where? IRL, if you were the animal, your first instinct would be to look around to know which way to run. Bows are almost silent so which way to run is not at all obvious.
  5. #1: You do you. Let me do me. Comments like this shut down conversation rather than foster it. #2: The game, even if you make the world smaller but absolutely at default config, requires DAYS of travel to get much done once you can survive at all. There is NOTHING to do as you wait out the night in a hole in the ground except cook some food and sleep. Now, given the long travel times, every daylight minute is precious and the current mechanic screws that up. That said, there are always down nights when you are waiting for timed events and don't need anything crafted, so unless you are pulling all nighters every night you have this dilemma. #3: I asked for an option (minecraft wakes you up at dawn no matter what), so see #1. #4: If you have a cold climate (~northern) base, you fall into a seasonal rhythm where winter is crafting and summer is doing. With short summer nights, the problem is most acute.
  6. Please add a config setting to wake up at dawn. Watching the clock leap in large intervals and having to close the character window and THEN hit space is beyond clunky and unreliable. Minecraft had this right all along. Alternatively, allow a choice when starting sleep to 'only sleep until dawn' if your bed will take you beyond it. Daytime is too short to waste.
  7. Real cheese from goat's milk runs roughly 1Kg of cheese per 6.6l of milk and retains almost all the food value of the original milk. In VS, we get 4 measly slices from 25l of milk and lose 75% of the sat along the way. Given the time and salt cost involved, this is not very worthwhile just for the shelf life and dairy boost. I think a better balance would be 1 wheel per 10l of milk and 2 salt per wheel at the final step.
  8. Seems cheese ages down to zero and then the aging time goes negative?!?
  9. I grabbed the BetterMoisture mod. Thanks. It was not easy to find until I searched for 'moisture'.
  10. I am in an area where it rains very heavily and sometimes for days at a time. My crops seem to often ignore the rain and show moisture only based on proximity of water block. The moisture also drops very fast without rain/watering can. Also, growth rate seems unreliable (some blocks are slow regardless of fertility/moisture). Very frustrating!
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