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Posts posted by EreticKB

  1. Alexander Monulenko, про яды не согласен. Такие чтобы мгновенно убить без симптомов, но сделать это не сразу, вообще слабо представляются, особенно из наносимых на оружие. Тут либо быстро и сразу, либо медленно и постепенно.

    Всякие стимуляторы, это к вопросу о силе, тоже в реальности существуют.

    Зы: Реализм тут весьма условен, т.к. есть странные технологии, да и персонаж, которым мы играем не совсем человек явно.

  2. One of my friends buy VS, but stop playing coz he's like "minecraft's rich underground environment" and was disappoint with low quantity of small empty caves in vaste solid terrain. And it gets me an idea: What if below one quarter of world height will be generates complex cave system, which spanned across all world? Just like caves in old Dwarf Fortress game. Place there you can travel somewhat freely without using your pick. I think this not so hard to implement coz there is no needs to create new content, just some tweaks to world-gen algorithm (generate caves and place already avaible content more often than now).

  3. Some chests crash game when open. It seems that 1.3.1 for 1.14 not properly working with 1.14.2.

    Version: v1.14.2 (Stable)23.12.2020 10:52:24: Critical error occurred
    System.Exception: Chunk retesselated listener number 0 threw an exception (a=False, b=False, b=False)
    System.NullReferenceException: Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта.
       в Vintagestory.GameContent.BlockEntityAnimationUtil.<StartAnimation>b__16_0()
       в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventManager.TriggerChunkRetesselated(Vec3i chunkPos, ClientChunk chunk)
       в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventManager.TriggerChunkRetesselated(Vec3i chunkPos, ClientChunk chunk)
       в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ChunkTesselatorManager.OnFinalizeFrame(Single dt)
       в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientEventManager.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt)
       в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.TriggerRenderStage(EnumRenderStage stage, Single dt)
       в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.RenderToDefaultFramebuffer(Single dt)
       в _uWwiuXC8cGTH1JnsWiUY9FUaXOo._X2niSFpb8ndF6zWsCcobp5QBcvO(Single )
       в _ydpin5JFjepNgd3JOZRb2z5I5Fg._LvRZFcsDWyPwKLB1F2UK7fQ2N6d(Single )
       в _ydpin5JFjepNgd3JOZRb2z5I5Fg._GO2qaUrk9dl0IceTLiA7P4LcpAB(Single )
       в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e)
       в System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
       в OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp)
       в OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame()
       в OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
       в _Ine8FeGTtDXciSIfaZMHMwCLKGBA._8puLW8J44fiq3A5hthQTfB8WNxc(_SbVlAI6dJIZ4JRt0da0lu23DF14 , String[] )
       в _lErb0L2e9E9htuT2VVnAsXIZqc7A._8puLW8J44fiq3A5hthQTfB8WNxc(ThreadStart )


  4. M.b. using a Forge instead a firepit? Also, how about create full ferrous metallurgy with some eras?

    For example:

    1. Bloomery era -> weak iron, worse than bronze, bellows for bloomery and forge.

    2. "Triple Treat" Era -> carbonizing, hardening, temper. Still iron, but slightly better than bronze. This "three treats" can and must be used for any other types of iron and steel.

    3. "Stuckofen" era -> iron+pig iron (mostly useless in this era, but can be casted into some useful). Stuckofen demans mechanical power for operations.

    4.  "Blauofen" era -> more steel-iron bloom (need many forging, but you can create Damascus/Bulat steel (best steel for weapon) from it or reforge into low-quality wrought iron with lesser working) and pig iron from same quantity of ore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulat_steel  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damascus_steel

    5. Pig Iron Finering era -> Blast Furnace, finally, creating wrought iron from pig iron. Still worse than steel, but can be "mass" produced unlike damaskus/bulat steel. I think that in game we don't need advance finering metods such puddling and other. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finery_forge

    6: Basic Oxigen Steelmaking era -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_oxygen_steelmaking Steel! Steel! Steel! Basic steel slighty worse than damascus/bulat for weapons, but can be "mass" produced. With some soft and carbonized wrought iron and many works can be forged into the hi-quality damaskus/bulat.

    • Like 1
  5. Then i try to travel long from my home i get this message and can't go further. After some tests it looks like something broken in this place.

    Map was updated from 1.12.

    Modlist: https://funkyimg.com/i/37gEF.png (it occurs after disabling all mod too)

    Savegame: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FnHgYMzZLB30ymTx2ac8s4CYwDNe8n2w/view?usp=sharing (i never shing file through googledocs, say if get trouble with downloading)

    Walk south and it occurs.

    This are all files i "logs" folder.

    server-main.txt client-chat.txt client-crash.txt client-debug.txt client-main.txt server-build.txt server-chat.txt server-debug.txt server-event.txt server-storyevent.txt

  6. 1. Yes, long night sometimes becomes annoying

    2. Night not very hard to play as you think. It not as simple as under daylight, but after TFC with it's zombie hordes and "hide until dawn or die" VC's night is very nice and peacefully.

    • Like 1
  7. Right now claypot has narrow and low flexible recipe list. Think it be better if current recipes will replace with next system:

    1. All recipes needs at least two ingredients from any edible ingredients and water.

    2. Ingredients from first slot specifies type of meal:

    Meat - Roast

    Vegetables - Stew

    Water - Soup

    Grain - Porridge

    Fruit - Dessert

    Honey - Jam

    3. Secondary ingredients may be any, even if result will be crazy like jam with wolf meat or turnip stew with honey, cranberry and cattail roots. And pure water soup of course. :) Well, this can be fixed with "water can be placed only in first slot".

    All this changes make cooking more immersive and intuitive.

    P.S. cooking table for create salad and sandwiches will good too.

    • Like 1
  8. For me VS is a standalone and very optimised TFC (enough reason to buy for me). And i like TFC together with Smart Moving mod. In other words, i want to see such things like crawling, climbing and charged jumps (needs time to charge, but you can jump one block higher).

    P.S. Cave/Shaft collapsion will good too if not implemented yet.

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