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Everything posted by Ricwi

  1. Is that intended or a bug that crates next to barrels are sized to match the barrel?
  2. Made sure my pc had Network discovery on. Checked the router, upnp is enabled. Tried port forwarding with setting my device and local port start and ends at 42420 with WAN ports the same. Tried DMZ hosting to put my pc outside the routers firewall and everytime i go to try to open my singleplayer game to the internet it tells me "no upnp or nat-pmp device found. Please make sure your router has upnp enabled" What am i doing wrong?
  3. and of course about 2 minutes after posting this i find traces of gold. still curious if anyone knows generation rates
  4. only found one small bits of gold enough for a few ingots worth but every quartz vein i search seems to have silver and no gold. Is gold super rare compared to silver?
  5. Looking at it now, i realize i dont need tanning to create pelts so its something i can put off more then i thought originally. I thought creating both pelts and leather was through tanning and it felt like such a huge gate keep for any sort of armor.
  6. Spent literal hours searching an area of roughly 3500x3500 without a single source of fucking limestone or chalk except a single trader that i found on my way home. This is stupid. A resource that is as basic as leather shouldnt be this hard to utilize. and i dont know you think thats a small area for foraging theres shit tons of berry bushes, along with other plant spawns.
  7. I've gone about 800+ blocks in every direction, gone farther in one and just found periodite instead of granite. how am i supposed to finde limestone so i can do leather work.
  8. When making things such as anvils etc can you smelt what you have pour it in, then go find more? or does it have to be all poured in while its still cooling?
  9. yeah you're right, it finally showed up after a few minutes.
  10. Not sure if its a bug but i made stew with field mushrooms and it says its perishable but doesn't list any times for how long. Is this normal?
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