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Spear and Fang

Very Important Vintarian
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Posts posted by Spear and Fang

  1. 1 minute ago, Thalius said:

    Great to hear!
    Anything new, or just a stability update along with the new client release?

    Oh, there's a new thing or three...

    fixed: lava flow on pickup/place
    fixed: missing texture on monkey bridge and trotline
    fixed: metal bits ratio when recovering metal fishing hooks/lures
    tweak: added mount to back of pelt (animal heads) on walls
    new: added vanilla salmon to survival mode
    new: 4 types of snakes
    new: 2 types of crabs
    new: 3 types of fireworks
    new: particulator/link tool integration with death/secondary particle generation, recipe change
    new: better stairs integration, simpler recipes
    new: 7 types of fireflies, firefly jar, jar wall bracket
    new: additions/tweaks to mod config

    • Cookie time 2
  2. 26 minutes ago, l33tmaan said:

    Yeah, there's an issue inherent to this discussion: It's easier and more convenient for modders to create and maintain as few mods as possible, but it's more convenient for the player to be able to control their modded experience as much as possible. What a dilemma. 

    Totally.  But if players want more and better modded content and want it faster, then the answer is clear.  There's nothing stopping anyone from customizing most mods after the fact, even if customization isn't inherently built in.

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  3. Both approaches have their pros and cons for sure.  If you're like me and (1) don't have a ton of free time and (2) are only modding for personal enjoyment, I think that larger mods are the way to go (even if the content is unrelated).  I'm mostly interested in being creative and learning new things, and a lot of my stuff would never be released/properly maintained/tested if it were a bunch of smaller mods.  I've created way too many things over the years that never got released at all, so creating actual deliverables is a pretty high on the priority list.

    You will never please 100% of the people 100% of the time, and I'm ok with that.

    TL;DR: It's just a hobby, so I'm the priority.


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  4. On 10/21/2021 at 12:10 PM, Vintagebob said:


    i have a problem:

    i want to add a new metal to the game, but when i put the ingots in a forge, or when im smithing them, they loose there textures and become white and with a question mark. Has someone an idea, how i can fix that problem pls? :)


    My first guess would be a bug in the code that is pointing to the wrong domain.  I'd try moving everything related to that metal into the game domain (you can have a "game" folder right in your mod next to your domain folder) to see if that fixes it.

  5. 9 hours ago, Travis Pluid said:

    By the way- does the Primitive Survival Curing Rack count for curing when Expanded Foods is installed?

    Primitive Survival doesn't have a curing rack.  So maybe you're referring to the the Ancient Tools curing rack or the Expanded Foods meat rack?

  6. 22 minutes ago, Tehgarin said:

    Apologies If this was in a previous post I looked but  did not see it.

    When I make a recurve bow and I'm drying the sticks where does it need to be to Dry. the description says open storage? What constitutes open storage for it to start drying.?

    All containers in VS are closed storage. I didn't see a Drying rack of any kind so confused.? Mine have been sitting for days and still at 0%.

    But at any rate please dont get discouraged with people hitting you up. It comes with the territory. yes they should read more but keep up the good work this is awesome that you gave us better bows and fish and snare traps for rabbits.


    P.S.  Why no fishing pole.??

    No bows in this mod sorry - and I'm not sure which mod you are referring to.

    A decent fishing pole mechanic was way beyond my skillset when I started modding, although I think I could probably tackle it now...

  7. 8 minutes ago, Thalius said:

    Seems a new version went back up on the Mod database about 23 hours ago. Any information on this?

    I had too many people poking at me looking for it so I dumped it back up there.  ModDB has a bug so it wouldn't accept the previous version number. It is the same (latest) version and has no serious issues.

    • Like 3
  8. On 8/23/2021 at 11:33 PM, Flamesup said:
    EEE, I was finally able to figure it out. I just needed to remove the primitive survival mod

    That *sounds* like the conflict between Primitive Survival and the Farm Life mod.  Are you also using Farm Life?  Are you using the latest version of both?

  9. I know this modpack is very outdated and sadly I never got the opportunity to try it out, but I'm curious whether anyone out there had the privilege of using it when it was in its prime.  I'm most curious about the Neolithic Mod and the Totems Mod.  I've looked at some of the source code and it all looks impressive, but it's hard to draw conclusions based on that alone.

    Is there anything in these mods that you sorely miss?  Is anyone involved in these mods interested in a revival of sorts?   I'd love to hear a little more about the direction of this project and/or players impressions of this modpack. 

    Thanks in advance!

  10. Absolutely.  Pretty much anything is possible. I'd consider the crafting grid, firepit, quern, and barrel to be four examples of custom crafting, and much of the C# source code for them is at your disposal.  Probably all in the vssurvivalmod repository here:  https://github.com/anegostudios.  You might have to search a bit to track them down.  The assets (.json files and images) associated with that code ships with the game of course.

  11. Did you write the patch yourself, or use modmaker.exe to automatically generate it for you?  If you wrote it, you might give ModMaker 3000™ a try.  If nothing else, it might provide a clue as to why your patch is not working.  The executable ships with the game and is sitting in the same folder as the game's executable.



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  12. 12 hours ago, Apostasia said:
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    Is there any way to increase the spawn rate of relics? I've been sitting here for 5 IRL days with 40 weir traps trying to get the Temporal Relic base item, but so far haven't seen a single one, but a bunch of every other weir trap relic. It's currently winter in my world and ice surrounds the traps, does this prevent it from spawning or do I just have terrible RNG?


    In single player, you *could* edit your modconfig file (it talks all about that near the end of the original post).  It won't increase your chance of catching that particular relic, but you could increase catch rates/frequency in general.  You're looking to increase WeirTrapCatchPercent and/or decrease WeirTrapUpdateMinutes.

    Ice shouldn't be an issue - if you're getting other relics/statues, it's just a matter of time.

  13. 2 minutes ago, noxxid3 said:

    Ill try and recreate it.

    Perfect, thank you!  Just to add to that,  a fillet is basically the same as a piece of meat, so most everything related to cooking it is vanilla game mechanics, not the mod itself.

  14. I feel like I woulld need at least one more person to report something similar before I'd even consider it a fixable issue (or an issue with the mod itself).  People are playing with so many unique setups.  I'm still seeing bug reports of people losing items even in vanilla.  

    Has it happened to you several times?  Or better yet, can you recreate it?

  15. 21 minutes ago, noxxid3 said:

    Having an issue where fish fillet disappears when cooking over a fire. Lost my fillet. 

    I wonder if that was a case of the fillet turning to rot during the cooking process (the expiration process begins the moment that they're on a hook or in a trap, not when you first pick them up), or if you're playing on a server, just one of many hiccups that can occur.  If it's easily re-creatable, I can surely track it down.

    If you logout of the game and back in and it reappears, I would say it's definitely a server/client hiccup.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Hexedian said:

    Two people will raft in the same direction, and one will pass the other. Switching rafts, or making new ones didn't help, and neither did relogging. Some people are just slower on rafts than others.

    Aww heck, I'm out of excuses.  I guess I'm just going to have to fix it.

    • Haha 1
  17. On 7/27/2021 at 9:35 PM, Hexedian said:

    Changing the raft speed to 0.6, or even 2.0, didn't cause any excessive zoomies.


    So Tyron disabled that wind pushing mechanism by default, and I see that TechRabbit posted this recently: "Need people to test wind pushing", which makes me think that it's turned on (you're on his server, correct?).  If so, and wind pushing is enabled, that's going to further complicate things, as I'm assuming that that was turned off by default for a reason.

  18. 13 hours ago, Grant Donahue said:

    Mod seems suddenly unstable on the latest patch, and is generating crashes with the following error 


    System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Vintagestory.GameContent.BakingProperties' from assembly 'VSSurvivalMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

    If I'm being silly and this error is surfacing from a different mod I'm sorry!

    Seems unlikely to be my mod - That error message is referring to the vanilla survival mod (aka the game itself), not Primitive Survival. 


    • Like 1
  19. 10 minutes ago, Hexedian said:

    Armor movement penalty does not slow you down on a raft, as far as I can tell. We don't have xskills.


    One more thing that came to mind - if you wouldn't mind - I'm assuming that you have a primitivesurvival.json file in your VintageStoryData\ModConfig folder.  Could you find "RaftWaterSpeedModifier": 0.2, and change it to like 0.6 to see if it affects your player in particular?  It was my understanding that those settings are all retrieved from the server and that changing it client side has no effect, but I'd sure like to confirm that.  You'll have to exit the game and restart after making that change of course.

    Thanks for the info btw.


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