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jeremy13621362's Achievements

Wolf Bait

Wolf Bait (1/9)



  1. Those sound like fine ideas. You already get "debuffs" from not eating enough of these food groups by way of less health. Water, on the other hand, is a basic necessity where you could have it be a setting in the world generation. There is already a setting for hunger rate so why not thirst rate? Just keep it simple, you do not necessarily need to have a camel pack but you could bring a jug with you instead.
  2. Maybe having a camelpack or some form of water that you can bring with you. Having clothes that cover your head like bandanas. A thirst bar would be really easy to code from my perspective. A thirst bar would be just a small blue bar over the hunger bar that slowly depletes over time. Make it so that its a world multiplier that you can scale. Have it be affected by the ambient temperature by adding a multiplier to it. Your hunger goes down faster if you're hurt so why is different from that of your thirst going down faster when you run?
  3. Your character shouldn't be only able to take damage from the cold. It would make more sense that you would have to stay cool as well as stay warm. I do not like the idea of wearing just a fur coat and full fur clothes and being impervious to all weather.
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