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Everything posted by shnabbles

  1. Just curious if 1.19 buffed the fire spread as I just had every piece in my build burn when lighting some pit kilns that were one block away from logs. I've had similar builds before that didn't catch fire, but oh did this ever!
  2. Rifts. Don't like 'em. Not a fan of storms either, but can easily log out with those. So just wondering if there are any servers that offer a riftless experience? Modded or not, although having a way to save stuff after death is preferable.
  3. I don't know how it works, I just know it's really annoying. Especially starting out. I didn't have a rift when I set up a base, but now, there's like 2 or 3 that spawn regularly around it. And every night or day sometimes, this annoying "feature" gets in the way of me getting anything done (for HOURS of my lifetime) at best. Recently, I went AFK for 15 minutes standing in my house to go get food in RL. There was no rift activity when I walked away, but not only was I dead upon return with drifters in my house, but all my stuff was gone. We need a way to destroy these rifts that just pop up. Maybe a fairly easy to make altar where we can make an offering or prayer. Or maybe some way to just set it on fire. SOMEthing to block this incredibly annoying mechanism. It's such a COOL and spooky concept, but it doesn't work. It needs restructuring to have some reason to seek OUT rifts and they should be fixed in the world, not follow the player wherever they happen to be.
  4. I'm probably not the first one to suggest this, but ooohhh, the possibilities of this game to create specialty items for server economies! The traders sell differently varied items shown in the parentheses, such as Storage Vessal (oxblood) or Flowerpot (Tenmoku). If there were specialization trees in clay-forming or smithing that could LEAD to being able to craft these items, that would be game-changing. These specialization trees should be limited so you can only choose a couple paths (with the ability to re-spec at a costly amount) As well as pottery or smithing, this could encompass cooking, herbalism, potion-making, artistry, weapon or tool-specializations. The VANIILLA game has so many possibilities for this already! The MMORPG, Star Wars Galaxies from 2003 had a crafting system that I've still never seen it's equal. Not only would you have to go out and stake your iron claim, i.e., these resources would not only have varying amounts, but they would have varying levels of QUALITY. which could create a better item in the end. This allows for so many intricacies within the crafting system. And Vintage Story is PRIMED for this kind of specialization already. https://swg.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting
  5. Thanks for the knowledge! Maybe the use for the metal barrel will change one day. I was happy to find that bed and am a temporal gear from fixing my first teleporter.
  6. Hello. Found some awesome ruins not terribly far below in a cave. Within them, I got this metal barrel and a block labeled "stone rubble" that is invisible if placed but is this white block with a question mark on it if I have it in my inventory. (pictured holding in the bottom right of my 1st image) I can't seem to do anything with the metal barrel, but I really want to. I put it in the water for about 20 seconds to see if it would "clean", but can't seem to do anything but place it. Anyone got anything on these?
  7. Well, good to know, but there was no sleeping or that level of cooking. I'm still foraging and proud of my cattail collecting patience. Directly after I posted this question, the satiety started going down, but it was full for at LEAST 1/2 an hour. Hasn't happened since. Have people tested mushroom combinations?
  8. Ok. I know I'm a noob and posting a lot today, but I've been playing all day and a lot of that has been dedicated to the hunger aspect of this game. Which I'm fine with. However, about 45 minutes ago, my full hunger bar just stopped decreasing and you all know how fast it normally decreases. I'm still mostly foraging. Ate some good/some bad mushrooms while out exploring. Got hit by a wolf to one bar. Made some poultices and healed up. And now, the food bar has been full this entire time. I looked at satiety regarding mushrooms and saw nothing special about them. Maybe it was some kind of in-a-row combo? If there's a secret to staying full, I must know!
  9. Why didn't I buy this sooner?! I was a huge MC fan until Microsoft ruined the game and I'll never play it again. But a hole was left that Terraria/etc. just didn't fill. Less than a day on this amazing creation and the hole is already filled. I know it's early in my playtime, but the variety & complexity just seems so superior! Already well worth the purchase. The wonder is BACK!
  10. Ahhh! That makes all the sense. Thank you!
  11. Just bought the game yesterday and I lucked out on my first spawn with a trader nearby. He buys feathers of which I have some. His demand is 2, which I have put in the Sell box, but then I can't press "buy/sell". It doesn't even highlight. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a prerequisite for trading? Everything else that he buys is way beyond me. I just got lucky with a chicken nearby.
  12. Very glad to see this is out there. I'm 53 and I'll never understand Celsius conversion to Fahrenheit. Celsius makes no sense to me whatsoever. Fahrenheit is simple. Thank you!!
  13. shnabbles


    I'm actually interesting in preventing grass from growing back. Is there a method to this? Or even a mod?
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