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  1. This ended up working! In both of the info.plist files within the vintagestory.app package add the following property to the end of the lists: <key>NSHighResolutionCapable</key> <false/>
  2. Datanazush on Discord pointed me to this GitHub thread on the same issue in ioquake3 and I'll be trying out their fixes later today and will report back. https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3/issues/422
  3. By the way, anybody know what the setting "weirdMacOSMouseYOffset" actually does? I'm tempted to mess with it.
  4. I'm seeing the same issue on my wife's computer. I tried following the instructions here: And they... did something. I can go from using 1/4 of the screen to using 1/2 in windowed mode, but if I go fullscreen it goes back to using 1/4 of the screen, but the mouse ranges over the full screen and the actual interface responds to where the buttons *should* be, not where they are actually drawn (e.g. if I carefully mouse over correct area in the blacked out upper right quadrant of the screen the tooltip will appear over the gamma setting in the lower left -- there's a a factor of 2 off between the rendering and the UI). Unfortunetely I have 0 knowledge of any Cyrilic language so I have no idea what your logs are indicating : / Anyone seen a similar issue or had any luck fixing it? Things are working great on my M1 machine, but this mid-2015 MacBook Pro is struggling (FYI, running Big Sur 11.7.8)
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