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Everything posted by Melidebby

  1. cool thanks it be kinda cool if you could set your spawn to be the corner edge of the map but all you can really do is teleport to a set cord and hope its the right area lol
  2. Thanks! is there a command or a fast way to reveal the map like remove the fog of war? also if the world is 1mil blocks what would the very last cords be? like what would the corner edge cord be
  3. Also is there some sort of mod that can show the animals on the map/minimap?
  4. I'm going to start the game in survival then switch to creative and try my hand at building a house but I 'm wondering how do I change the distance at which I can break blocks? cause when I go to creative the block distance is usually very high Is it ctrl and mousewheel? or something
  5. wow it all looks so very awesome.
  6. Melidebby


    I would love to see a option to import/export world settings. Like when I make a world I like to have specific settings like on death you keep your items or creature hostility I like to have set to Never hostile. So we can save your preferred world settings as a file like txt or something then when we make a new world we can just import our settings so we don't need to go through the whole world setting options.
  7. Melidebby


    Least you figured it out.
  8. thanks yes I was asking about the windows and the carving thanks for the answer.
  9. How do you do wall carvings? How do you even make windows like here ?
  10. Is the map like a entire planet? Like when you think of RimWorld you can start in a Temperate area and slowly move North to the North Pole. Is this game the same way now? If I travel North will I eventually reach a snow and ice biome? (North Pole)
  11. Thanks I have to check this out.
  12. There is something I been wanting to get in survival when i switch to creative to quickly make a home. It bugs me when I'm removing blocks and i end up hitting a area in the distance. I think it would be nice to be able to adjust the block place/remove distance. Is there anyway to adjust the block reach?
  13. Melidebby


    like playerHungerSpeed 0.1 ? so it lowers extremely slow.
  14. Melidebby


    Is there a way to make hunger disabled? I get i can go into creative and spawn in food etc but is there someway I can just turn off hunger completely.
  15. Melidebby

    Pit Kiln

    so the Pit Kiln can only be 1x1x1 so one single cube? so If I have a bunch of molds i need to cook I got to make a long checkerbox of pit kilns?
  16. Yes I play this only in solo
  17. How long does it take for any item to despawn? (Wood , Tool's , Ore etc) Is there anyway to mod the game so dropped items never despawn?
  18. Melidebby

    Fruit Tree

    It is that simple? All you have to do is take a fruit tree cutting and place it on the ground and it may grow?
  19. Melidebby

    Map Size

    Is it possible to change the world settings? like I have it set to where when i reach the end i can fall off the map am i able to change it so the invisible wall is there?
  20. Melidebby

    Map Size

    Currently I am at -502388 , 121 , -6108 and I've still not found the worlds end
  21. Melidebby

    Map Size

    1mil by 1mil blocks what is the coord's to near the end of the map?
  22. Does rain add moisture to farm land? cause it is losing moisture during rain faster then get any... I watered the farm land to 100% moisture and its been raining for well over 20 mins and the farm land is now 73% moisture it should be gaining moisture not losing it i think... or maybe i'm wrong cause it just went back to 100% with some rain
  23. Melidebby

    Oil Lamp

    Can you no longer just place Oil Lamps down on the ground? You also can no longer smelt ingots in a crucible?
  24. Yes but I'm mostly wondering If anyone has been able to keep meat from spoiling for over a year or more.
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