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Rag Maggot

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Everything posted by Rag Maggot

  1. I've been getting rather bored and the public servers aren't cutting it to me. Be it being that the players don't really want to socialize in fears of getting griefed or server owners/host having terrible server decisions that make it agonizing to play on the server. I may or may not have manually built and placed ruins around the world for us to find, pilfer or even repair and live within. https://discord.gg/jyvDUxwzyN EST timezone in canada. Also highly modded Either comment on this post about questions or ask me on the discord itself
  2. Sounds fun if we can get even more players.
  3. I recommend getting Plains and Valleys/plateaus so the world Isn't generated by literal noise map. You won't have constant ugly hills that look ugly and are a pain to traverse As for server config increase the food spoiling to 150%/200% slower speed and make the months last vastly longer (maybe to 24 or 30 days), but this'll make crops grow slower though. Also get the corpse mod so players don't rage quit from seeing their items despairing right In front of them. All the items get stored within a skeleton thats player locked. (Adjustable) If you're playing with alot of mods, give the players a backpack mod to use. Vanilla bags arn't enough for the amount of new items modded version of the game adds https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php/World_Configuration Here's the wiki for world config changing while the server is still running. You'll have to reboot the server for the changes to fully apply.
  4. If this deal doesn't go through I could host the server myself and we'd be able to fully customize our world (and mods) on how we want it to be Plus I got a somewhat old save file that has custom made ruins I've been wanting to play with players since the friend group I've been playing with just kind of went radio silent. https://discord.gg/jyvDUxwzyN
  5. I'd also be up for this idea. Just drop us a discord server here at some point
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