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ifoz last won the day on July 17

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Community Answers

  1. Perhaps someone could make their base near a protected village, and then when they wanted to expand, they would be prevented. Maybe a village generates in an otherwise perfect location where you could envision a super cool build. I think villages should be extremely rare or a super far-away story location as to prevent stuff like this. I kind of don't really want villages in the game anyway, it detracts from the lonely survival aspect the game has going for it. I think a village as a story location could be really cool, but not as a regularly-spawning structure.
  2. Totally agreed. I think that villages defeat the whole point of survival in that other block game, and definitely would here too, if implemented like their Minecraft counterparts. Why build when there's houses for you? Why farm when there's farms for you? Why mine iron when there's loot for you? They are also way too common, making it hard to find a non-populated area to make your own. I don't think this game would ever add villages in that manner though. If they did, it would likely be a unique story location very far from spawn with unbreakable blocks.
  3. This is basically how Starbound did NPCs, though I think that having a potentially large penalty for firing a worker for not matching what you built is a little harsh. I think you should be able to choose the type of NPC who moves into your housing, though their sub-type may be random. Say there was a type "commoner" that you could choose, though they could be a "hunter", "farmer" or "artisan" depending on RNG.
  4. This is just a simple suggestion for immersion purposes, but why is it what if you were to attack something with, say, a shovel, that your animation looks like you are trying to dig up your foe? I suggest that there be a few special animations for attacking things with tools. The shovel could be swung with intent to bash your foes with the blunt of the spade, the pickaxe could be swung side to side rather than up and down, etc. These animations would take priority over the normal ones if the player had their crosshair over something that they could attack. Just a little thing for immersion. What does everyone think?
  5. How would this actually work in the game? Is it like you walk past a drifter and they just take damage because you could theoretically attack them? Or do you mean that it just has a shorter cooldown time and can attack sooner in it's animation? While this would be handy, I think it would be a little too overpowered and mostly remove the need for ever making and smithing tools once you get one temporal steel tool of each type, even if the mending property took a while. I think it would be too much like Minecraft's 'mending' enchantment, which is already an issue in that game. --------- I think that the concept of Temporal Steel could perhaps work where you need to power your tools with temporal gears, and in turn it will make them faster, or 'supercharged' for around one in-game day. After that they return to being as fast as steel until powered again.
  6. Looking closer, that they are! What are the things on your feet, then? I don't recognise them - some kind of armour since I can see the thigh highs underneath?
  7. Can't go wrong with earthy tones! They definitely look cozy - I'm certain that leather tunic helps to keep the heat in! My malefactor wears it too - it's hard to see, but it's there under his cloak.
  8. Very elegant! Let me see if I recognise all of the pieces... -Fortune teller head scarf -Embroidered collar -Noble shirt -Golden necklace -Bronze armlet -Commoner gloves -Fortune teller hip scarf -Merchant pants -Some kind of modded boots? How did I do? [EDIT] Now that I look at it again, that's the golden necklace, not the noble necklace).
  9. Quite the strange little ruin I found. Cliffside, surface and flooded, all at the same time.
  10. In a game with so many fashion choices and player customisation, what does everyone's characters look like? Feel free to share them here! Here are my two fellas, Conrad (Malefactor) and Barda (Blackguard, named for a guard from a fantasy book series I loved as a kid). Conrad Barda
  11. ifoz


    Honestly I think that having shells obtainable in this way could make them an actually viable source of lime if players did not live near limestone. The flint and sticks are just a nice bonus, servers may still have issues, but I think that it's better than having them as finite resources.
  12. ifoz


    I was walking along a beach near my base today, and thought that some form of non-panning related beachcombing could be interesting. Certainly you can pan sand for some loot, but it also permanently destroys the sand block, making it an unstable activity on beaches as they will become ugly and de-sanded with time. I think it could be interesting if there was a daily small chance for things like seashells, metal scraps, and very rarely aged chests or crates to wash up. If they were not collected in time, they would wash away again come nightfall. Pebbles could also wash up, offering a small but infinitely renewable source of flint - a problem on very large multiplayer servers. This would offer a way to get some panning-related loot at a beach without having to make it look ugly over time. I realise this suggestion is impractical and that panning would be the superior form of looting sand, but I just thought it could be a fun addition to the list of daily chores if a player lived by a shoreline.
  13. Had to brighten it a bit to make them all out.
  14. Press 'F' when looking at a chiselled block, then click and place a second block from your hotbar into the big '+' icon to add more materials. You can change materials from the chisel menu ('F').
  15. I suppose so. Really it doesn't take all that much effort to do now that you can chisel slabs onto other slabs, but I suppose an option to have this automatically applied when placing a slab on another slab could be useful, if one was particularly taken to the practice. I was just trying to showcase how for the time being there is already a way to achieve the same appearance as slabs on slabs already in the game.
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