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Mat Fenric

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Posts posted by Mat Fenric

  1. @DArkHekRoMaNTIt 's not block coordinates but chunk coordinates, so the middle is 15 625 x 15 625 (for 1 024 000 blocks by side map and 32 by side chunk).

    For everyone, I found a way to read the file.

    Now I need to know how to transform data like this into pixel color:


    -15517387, -14515600, -14337470, -14996173, -15238566, -15574202, -15120567, -14657446, -15712449, -14915227, -15247020, -14595008, -15318210, -15909570, -15581383, -15644605, -14270390, -14858429, -15453650, -15579068, -12941203, -13470627, -13470627, -15381435, -14588327, -14785187, -15579064, -15247539, -15048360, -15445172, -14786472, -15049640


  2. Hello

    I have loaded the source code of VintageStoryAPI, VSEssentialsMod, VSCreativeMod and VSSurvivalMod to find how load a map and generate images for a web site (so, not for a mod).

    I know that the map is a .db file in the VintagestoryData\Maps directory

    It's possible to read it with the method OpenOrCreate of a MapBD object, get a MapPieceDB object with GetMapPiece method and read the Pixels int array.

    But I don't know how to initiate a ILogger object for the MapDB constructor.

    MapDB mapdb = new MapDB(logger);

    And I don't know yet how I will be able to read the Pixels int array to tranform the int in pixel data and generate the image.

    My actual attempt :

    string errorMessage = null;
    string mapdbfilepath = @"[...]\VintagestoryData\Maps\[...].db";
    //? api.World.Logger - ILogger Logger
    MapDB mapdb = new MapDB(logger);
    mapdb.OpenOrCreate(mapdbfilepath, ref errorMessage, false, true, false);
    Vec2i coord = new Vec2i(0, 0);
    MapPieceDB piece = mapdb.GetMapPiece(coord);
    if (piece?.Pixels != null)
        lblIntsMap.Text = string.Empty;
        foreach (int pixel in piece.Pixels)
            lblIntsMap.Text += pixel.ToString();

    I'm not sure how the coordinates of the Vec2i cord object work...

    Can you help me ?

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