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Everything posted by Astib

  1. I will add my notes too. I really like survival and exploration games. My whole life I am pretty much into them... and it's decades already! What a nice surprise was to discover this game. It's so clever combination of medieval-like, survival and exploration; maybe best I have ever seen. It surprised me with its complexity, but not at the cost being fun to play. Complexity is well served with a mix of technological gating and exploration necessity. Which is good, because you cannot actually rush the game. You have to learn in longer cycles. You need to prospect and know your neighborhood. Some stuff happens over days or months, while you are (gently) kept busy with something else. Lore and its references are omnipresent, but not obtrusive. I enjoy survival aspects, until I decide to discover little bit more. Nobody is telling me when. Overall, game design is just excellent! I think other game devs should study VS how to make good game mechanics. I wish VS more of success. Maybe Steam presence would help? Not sure. I just randomly bumped into VS on Youtube. Which is a bit of shame, since not all are that fortunate.
  2. I am not against radial menu at all. It's just totally different suggestion, with much higher complexity and work need to be done. On top of that, radial menu will not sort my problem at all. Open your own suggestion, and precise your idea there. I swear I will "like" it if well defined, no problem. Just don't hijack this thread with totally different approach, please. Yes, adding more tweaks can get messy, that's why you have "Controls" settings. I have keyboard and mouse buttons to be used. I see zero issue with assigning any of key I have available. I agree some shortcuts my be left unset/unassigned, I can give you that. Not sure if (1) "direct placement" with RMB double-click is complex. The same applies to (2), which literally saves mouse fiddling using existing controls. Neither find I "move from hotbar to inventory" anyhow complex. It's just saving some time spent on moving the mouse.
  3. Well, that's nice, but also totally different suggestion
  4. Hi folks, I am playing VS for some 100 hours as of now and I would have few QoL suggestions: [ Basic facts ] It should be noted that I play in Linux and remapped few key controls: Sprint: Shift Sneak: Ctrl Lock Mouse Cursor: ` Having immersive mouse mode ON [ Suggestion ] Lets add few quality of life actions: 1. right mouse button doubleclick to be equivalent to "Place item" - no crouching is needed - this feature works only if there is surface selected (wireframe visible), therefore undesired interference with aiming should be avoided 2. item in hands easy placing without moving it to a slot - having container/inventory opened, clicking an item will grab the item and is locked in cursor area. Like this: Now, to place the item, only way (i know) is to: >> add it to a slot >> Crouch+RMB It would be nice to just: a) Crouch+RMB to place it where I look b) combine this with suggestion in 1. and allow to direct placement with RBM doubleclick 3. move selected hotbar to a first free slot in backpack (ie. with `B` ) - there may be modifier key (Alt, or similar), which would place the item to last free slot in backpack [ Conclusion ] I don't know other players' habits or how they manage their inventory, but for me it's a lot of clicking, dragging, etc. All suggestions above would help me a lot to relieve some of most repeated actions of mine. Thank you!
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