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Mikel Monleón

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Everything posted by Mikel Monleón

  1. I had the same issue. I found that using the /allow player yourname charselonce command (typing in game, not on the server) allowed it to stick. You might have to make yourself admin if you're not already. Not sure if you're playing on single player or hosting a server.
  2. When I said "focused on hyperrealism," I implied that the game was attempting to depict real life in a close to accurate manner. The days and nights are only 20 minutes long and the world is made out of blocks. I think it goes without say that Vintage Story is not a 100% replication of reality. The point I was making is that, most of the game mechanics in place, and the overall gaming experience so far, it feels like it doesn't require temporal storms or drifters for it to become a complete game. I would prefer more themes that are consistent with the game progression. Having perhaps other NPC humans (or Seraphs) throughout the world that are in the different development stages (with flint weapons, bronze armor, etc) would be more thematically consistent with the game, and pose enough of a challenge to the player to keep it entertaining. Drifters and temporal storms just seems out of place to me. My time playing this game has been a very immersive experience feeling like I am living in that time period, doing what I can to stay alive. Tending to the crops, leather, breeding animals, running away from wolves. Just having these little monkey goblins popping out of thin air, just takes me out of it. What is the relationship that drifters have with the environment? Do they also hunt wolves to gather food to survive? They seem like an afterthought, and I feel like modding the game to remove them, and the storms, would leave an empty void in challenge, that could otherwise be developed in a different way.
  3. I thought the exact same thing. I agree 100%. Maybe there could be a "damaged" axe head, that then needs to be smelted down and reforged again.
  4. Let me start off by saying I really loved it when the first storm hit. Seeing the land shifting for the first time was a very unique experience, and I very much appreciated it. But, I feel like the storm, and drifters, are an odd addition to the gameplay experience. Vintage Story seems very focused on hyperrealism. What makes this game so amazing is just how tedious and detailed every process is, and how accurate it represents the development of humanity. Frankly, I've never had such an immersive gaming experience. Having to naturally select animals, fend off wolves, prepare for the winter, it all ties in so well together, it feels like I'm actually living in the time period. However, I find the storms and drifters, that element of fantasy very off putting, as if it didn't belong in that world. I imagine if temporal storms did exist, the physics, chemistry, plant and animal life would be very different to real life. I would love to see a game like that, but I don't feel like that's the direction Vintage story is going. Why not eliminate the storms and fantastical creatures entirely? Focus more on the realism. Perhaps the periodic threat, or challenge to the game, could be having to compete with other NPC humans. Imagine if there were other tribes that could hunt you down, or even kingdoms that could pillage you. Perhaps it doesn't have to be entirely void of fantasy, but the drifters seem odd, maybe Vintage Story should take in some inspiration from Witcher III, and base its universe in a more concrete mythology. I don't think it needs it, but if they need some explanation to justify re-spawning, magic is usually the easy way to do it. I'm not sure if other people feel this way, but I feel very strongly about this. I love the direction Vintage Story is taking, but I think temporal storms takes away from the immersion.
  5. I was hosting my own server. I guess for whatever reason typing the command through the console wasn't working, so I made myself admin and typed the command in game instead, and it worked!
  6. Awesome! Very excited to see them implemented!
  7. Thank you! This seemed to work temporarily. The /player yourname allowcharselonce command doesn't seem to do anything (I am doing it through the server console). I get a bunch of red text that pops up when that occurs, seems like an error log. The client command does bring up the character & class customization panel. I can make changes but they do not stick when I save and exit.
  8. All it says is in the roadmap is Improved animal husbandry and taming. Will there be domesticated wolves in this game?
  9. It doesn't seem to work for me. I can get the character select menu to pop up, but non of the changes seem to hold.
  10. Is there a command to pull up the character customization menu? Is there one to change class too?
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