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  1. Thank you.That worked. I'll have to remember to try Ctrl when something isn't working. Weird. It wont seal for me unless it matches the exact recipe or multiples of the exact recipe. But thankfully L33tman had the way to use just one liter at a time.
  2. Okay maybe I'm missing something but I can soak 5 small hides with 10l lime water and it seals. Now a large hide need 6l lime water. It wont seal with 10L lime water, I guess because it's not 6. I can't do 10 pelts because the barrel wont hold 60l. So how are you supposed to get the exact amount when the barrel only takes increments of 10l water.
  3. My idea would be to just modify flowing blocks. So if you have a source block flowing into an air block, the adjacent air block has a chance to turn into a source block of water after so many ticks of rain. It seems like a good compromise between totally finite and infinite, slowly renewable if you don't use too much. I'm no coder, so I don't know how difficult that would be but it seems like it would be easier than trying to change how all water works.
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