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Stefan Rambaran

Very Important Vintarian
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Posts posted by Stefan Rambaran

  1. @Shaelin I agree with " just-passing-through feel" , much in the same way we can have cellars and charcoal pits  , we can build some sort of multiblock structure to designate the area and when we sleep and wake up ,there could be a trader there .While not what i originally imagined , that does seem to fit the game feel much more but it doesn't make sense to have them be mobile , despite the wheels ...that would be counter productive to the game , if the game expects us to travel to traders and build infrastucture to support travel between various traders , then why have them moving ? And beside that , the implementation of such a feature would probably be impossible , deciding paths , and dealing with terrain features ?


    @Soliton You make some excellent points , but when you said "they are capitalists and should be where ever there are gears to be made" that really stuck a chord with me .Additionally , your suggestions to maintain balance seem ,well , balanced .As for your expansion on the apiary point ,I agree on most points with 2 exceptions ,there should indeed be a way for the player to detect his hive has been compromised so that he/she may take corrective action in a timely manner and the second point i disagree with is the binding of flowers to the hive , this sounds  expensive for the game performance for such a small game mechanic , making the honey timer longer would achieve the same thing .

    As a counter to your last point about timed pollen , let us take frames out and extract the honey with restriction being that the bees don't produce honey during the winter  and are required to be left  with some honey to survive the  winter  akin to how its done . As I've said that , i realized that the frames could be consumable , but reusable , to reduce the grind of getting reeds , but keep it balanced . 


    Thank you both for your ideas.

    • Vintage Story Version:                            1.14.8
    • Distro / Kernel release :                         Opensuse LEAP 15.2 / 5.3.18-lp152.19-default
    • Mono / .NET package version :             mono-complete 6.8.0-lp152.4.2
    • Graphics driver version :                       NVIDIA 460.67-lp152.36.1 (proprietary)
    • GPU : 980 mobile(30-40fps on high setting)
    • Works for client :   client , (multiplayer not tested)
    • Installation method used :                     install.sh
    • Hacks (if needed) :                                  Install file had some permission problem ;

      Create NewDir ./backup
      ls: cannot access '/home/user/ApplicationData/vintagestory.*': No such file or directory


      Installer did everything short of creating a desktop shortcut .Manually created link to app using the  command using "mono Vintagestory .exe" as a result

  2. Good day All ,

    I would like to suggest 2 things here , first :-

    a way to grow your local village , as it stands , I believe the traders generate with the world randomly and that's it . maybe the player can somehow designate an area for a trader , and the game can provide a "traveling trader" who may decide to settle down . I'm not saying make it easy to get as many as you want , traders, as is ,necessitates infrastructure development and travel , I'm only suggesting a late game convenience.

    Secondly :-

    I strongly suggest that wooden bee-house for apiary . The skeps are great for the early game , however , they are definitely not the final solution . Wooden bee-houses are within the technological reach  and fit in nicely with the game . Additionally , I hear alot of people suggesting the scythe should cut reeds because it's grindey refreshing the reed supply , this , i believe is wrong , this is the encouragement to advance to the next age .

    Much respect to the team behind this game , everything about it is wonderful .From the visuals to the music ,even the load times and the AI . Keep up the great work and I wish you nothing but success . 

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