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Everything posted by Michaloid

  1. I wish there was an option to disable the drifters, cause sometimes, in a world i want to explore the world and not be bothered by 12 drifters around me. But to counter this it'd be cool if more predetors were added, cause now we only have wolves and polar bears (even tho they're only on the polar regions).
  2. That's SO a wrong way to view newcomers, every person has the right to post questions and their thoughts on the game before they buy it! But we should make a captcha or a timer for each topic, it doesn't make sense to make a 100 topics in one hour.
  3. Look out for those, some might be phishing links, and of cource the numbers are to suck your phone's money dry and/or get you in serious trouble.
  4. Things are getting worse now...
  5. Then, as i stated on discord make a report button for profiles and more mods.
  6. Anyone can use the discord. So it's not totally not a huge loss for the site.
  7. Either he doesn't trust the site, or he's using paypal and doesn't have the EUR or USD currency.
  8. Mc nausea isn't really good. I'm talking like the screen blurs a little and moves sideways like the effect of low health where the screen moves a little and it affects on the small things like accuracy and managing chests.
  9. To be honest i got this idea while playing SCP Containment Breach, that has a good nausea effect. To me it'd be cool if we sometimes had nausea or something like that, that could be cured by waiting or curing with some plant. Of course it would be optional, but since potions is coming sometime next millenia it's not impossible in my view.
  10. To be honest it'd be really cool if we had deseases in VS like headaches etc that would pass with time or using a remedy from a plant.
  11. Yeah that's what worries me! People will look at this game and ask "Is that a Minecraft clone?" And will lose interest without even checking the game. Witch is a shame!
  12. Another round of bots/people have infested the discussion, these being: Mercurious occult:https://www.vintagestory.at/profile/72316-mercurious-occult/ Dr Smith:https://www.vintagestory.at/profile/72308-dr-smith/ Hundanbrotherhood:https://www.vintagestory.at/profile/72321-hudanbrotherhood/
  13. The graphics are good enough if you crank it to 11, but if you want more we have 2 mods that might help. https://mods.vintagestory.at/fancysky https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/24
  14. Yeah 1.16 drifters are kinda bugged. Hopefuly Tyron knows about this bug.
  15. What do you mean? catails are super common, not to mention that they can grow back.
  16. We have to remember that this game is still in early access, and there's a LOT of things that Tyron wants to add, just look at the roadmap. This game is still in it's alpha/beta stage.
  17. How the heck did no one remember the reed baskets? It's the most cheap "chest" for players on the early part of the game.
  18. Have you enabled the upnp in your internet router?
  19. Well thanks for the info, it's a quality of life that could easily be in the game and would improve a lot of hastle just to decorate my house.
  20. As i was decorating my house chiseling blocks with mixtures in-between, it annoyed me a little bit that i have to place down 2 different blocks on the ground then make them into chiseled blocks and mixing them together. Is there a easier way to do this? Is there a way i can make them into chiseled blocks from the inventory?
  21. Then, was the message and the happenings a hicup from my machine? then i'll double down on the mods even though i have like 10 and they're pretty light. I have acient tools, carry capacity, sexy swords, creepless, flint chisel, cobbledrop, necessaries, better poultice, hud clock and YEET.
  22. When i was playing yesterday, My internet was having a seizure and the result was: I wasn't able to pickup items, couldn't open inventory nor chests, could break blocks but wouldn't drop items and a message on the top-right corner saying that the host was disconnected. (Couldn't see much of the message because the map was blocking some of the message) But after a while it turned back to normal and was teleported at my house's doorstep and the message disapeared.
  23. Hi! I've already discussed this before, some time ago but it's important nonetheless. It's kinda irritating that the singleplayer has to be played in a server. Cause if my internet is weak or no internet my world doesn't work properly. I understand that if you want you can invite a player to your world, and for that you need a server to support 2 IPs. But wouldn't it be better if you could make a world in the multiplayer tab and it runs like a server and the sigleplayer runs like a minecraft sigleplayer? Idk, but i came here to express my frustrations with this. PS: I love the game btw! I'm only complaining about this cause i love the game.
  24. I mean, when you look at this game at first you think of minecraft because of the blocks. That's how i came to know of this game (also because i'm waiting for Hytale) How did you come to know of this game? I'm pretty interested...
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