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Posts posted by AdrianNumbers

  1. Im playing with friend on private server and after some time i figured three things:

    One. We need more kitchen utensils.

    Two. Compost making is really slow.

    Three. Full vegetable cooked meals are bad. 

    Before vegetarians start The Hate let me explain.

    Apart from cabbages all other vegies have much lower satiation value than meat so they are disadvantageous in using hunger blocking mechanic compared to meat and if you want to go for longer trip you will need to take much more crooks with you. In conclusion they are less energy dense than meat and its ok in terms of each individual item because its much easier to farm huge amounts of vegies compared to meat but it limits choices for food in some situations.

    So my proposition is adding a chopping board.

    Chopping board is a functional block that can be placed on any full horizontal block surface or table and in item form hung on tool rack. After its placed as block you can "store" up to 6 or n*6(balance) vegies of one type (much like in crates). Once "stored" vegetables can be sliced using knife producing : 1 unit of vegetable slices and 1 unit of vegetable peelings for each individual vegetable on board.

    Vegetable slices have slighly lower satiation value (by 10 / 15 / 20?) than full vegies but twice(or thrice) as much can be placed on each slot in claypot, that gives players a way to close the gap in energy density per meal between meat and vegetables but with cost of additional time used and some energy value overall. Slices decay as fast as raw meat. Also slices can be pickled but take half the time to do so and decay 25% faster afterwards.

    Vegetable peelings can be used as animal feed (boars) or compost material they decay as fast or faster than berries.

    If its to hard to make higher max stack size in claypot just for slices alternatively slices could be made from two or three units of vegetable keeping ratios in claypot unchanged.

    As for chopping board it is entirely immersion oriented (slicing could be made in grid as well) so making it show what and how much vegetables are curently "stored" and adding a short player animation to cutting would work wonders here. 

    Also you could add new metal tool more specifically kitchen knife, if so normal knife should either make worse slices (coarse) taking more satiation away , use more of its durability , taking more time to slice or any combination of those. While kitchen knife should be worse than normal one in every other task.

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  2. Its probably me beeing used to drawers in moded minecraft but i think crates should have simillar interaction logic as them.

    That said :

    right click = insert 1 item

    right click + shift = insert stack (currently held)

    fast double right click = insert all items from your inventory (of the same type for example all sticks)

    left click = take out 1 item

    left click + shift = take out stack (or all thats left if there is less than stack inside)

    and since in VS block breaking progress doesnt disapear instantly after you stop mining something crates should check if you are actually breaking them or just clicking.

    To be honest its the double right click part that i miss the most but figured i could as well list it all here.

    • Like 1
  3. I would like to say first that im not a coder by any chance so my logic here can be entirely wrong but still based on my limited knowlage it looks fine so i decided to post this idea.

    On small scale game world generation is already briliant but the more you zoom out on map the more it look like just random noise. Solution i though of is based on two things height maps and marching squares techniqe. 

    Process could look something like this

    1. Generator generates a contour map of tectonic plates based on world dimentions , seed , type of generation (in settings there would be an list of possible algorythms like : continets , pangea , islands and so on) , other settings like water procentage and provided algorythm using marching squares. (Resolution could be down to chunks or even group of them as this map is just a reference point for generator to use down the line) On this step generator also decides which plates will oceans and which continets. I also sets "movement" vector for each plate based on set of rules (for example ocean plates are more likely to move away from each other)

    2. Using map from step 1 as base generator produces height map (again using marching squares) of terrain formation taking into consideration how doferent plates interact with eachother on borders

     Ocean plates - O

    Continental plates - C

    O->I<-O underwater mountain range , islands

    O<-I->O underwater rifts or vulcanos , vulcanic islands

    O->I->O just a normal seabed or lesser versions of all other types of O-I-O border

    C->I<-C mountain range

    O->I<-C mountain range, clifs 

    And many more possible combinations

    End product of step 2 looks like a topographic map resolution down to at least chunks maybe higher like 1/4 or 1/8 of chunk for Z and X cords and 4 , 2 and 1 respectively for Y

    3. Adding rock type areas acording to set of rules and map from step 2

    4. Temperature map made using map from step 1 and settings chosen before generation. In settings we chose how streched temperature gradient is (south north) and this gradient is influenced by oceans the depper into ocean the less extreme temperatures are, land being the other way around.

    5. Simulation of water circulation and wind

    As we all know oceans are places where most water vapor is generated and it later drifts to other places as clouds and those are moved by wind which is generated by diferences in atmosferic pressure and temperature (there is a lot of other variations whole subject of weather is insanly complicated so i will grosely oversimplifie it here)

    A. Generator using maps from step 1 and 4 makes general wind pattern (wind moves from low temperature zone to high with some randomnes or not)

    B. Using maps from step 2 , 4 and A generator makes height map of humidity acording to rules such as humidity os highest over open water and moves from it with wind , decresing over time as it moves over land , mountains act as bariers and deplete it very fast , usualy making mountains humid from one side and dry from other , temperature would also have an impact here.

    C. Using maps from step 2 and B underground water level map is made thats similar to topographic map and then its compared to map from step 2 and whenever Y level of water is higher than ground generator places marker for river/lake source.

    D. From every point marked in step C. using map from step 2 as base generator draws concentric rings that grow from that point untill they cone across other ring or barier(mountain tops or ocean) thus drawing river/lake basin (land area that provides rain water to said river or lake) checking how terrain is formed . Depending on terrain inclination around generator either draws a lake or river. Lake is drawn if terain slopes down into one point (or in other words it goes up in every direction from its source), lakes volume is added layer by layer and calculated using sum of humidity on basin area , if lake surface is higher than any point of its basin border surface level of that lake is lowered to the same Y level and said point becomes a source of new river. River is drawn on terrain where slope goes down in at least one direction and flows always with steapest decline if it comes to a point where in all directions terrain goes up that point is marked as new lake source. If lake (surface) touches ocean it becomes part of it , if river does it it just stop growing. If two lakes touch they merge if two rivers touch they continue as one if river touches a lake it stops and its basin is added to lakes basin to recalculate its volume. The process continous till all rivers and lakes came to stop. To ease up on computation we could place a limit on how far from lake or river generator draws theyr basin.

    E. Using river paths and lake placement+shape , rock type , for rivers slope angle and volume for both (calculated from basin area humidity sum) generator make new topological map contaning only smplified shape of those rivers and lakes.

    Ok here world wide pregeneration stops. Actuall world generation down to each block will use those maps (steps 2, 3, 4, A, B and E) as basis with sone additional noise , maps 2 and E for terrain shape and the rest for biomes, flora and fauna.

    Pregeneration takes place when world is opened for the first time and leaves us with a crude map of whole world that later is used as guideline for actuall chunk generation (thats why it can be really low resolution its like cutting down a huge area of grass first using industrial size lawnmower and then finishing the edges with bush cutter).

    Im writing this one on phone and work out more refined version later when i get time. Even so i will appreciate every comment especially those pointing out any errors in my logic or problems with my understanding of world generation and its limitations.

    Ps. Please ignore errors in grammar and interpunction.

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  4. Its not the same . Slowing hunger down makes you eat less frequent but also eat less overal , while making the satiation bar longer only gives you more time till you need to fill it up (if you slowed hunger down and changed satiation values of all foods by the same precentage it would be the same as making bar longer). That said i think we should wait with changing hunger system till devs show us if and how will character progression look like. In my opinion hunger will have some impact on our character stats and how good they are at exousting actions like mining fighting and so on. Until then there is no point in major rework of this system. At the same time it could be nice if devs added a option in world setings to change max satiation bar value. We already have hunger speed i think so with those two you could really adjust this system to fit your playstayle. For example lets say you use on average 1500 satiation per day and for simplicity of math you eat only carrots 100 satiety each. Normaly you have 1000 satiety bar so you need to eat at least twice a day (if so you eat "n"(n=>5) and 15-n carrots at a time) after 10 days you have gobbled 150 carrots. If you cut hunger speed by 50% you need only 750 satiation per day so the same 15 carrots last you 2 days and since you have 1000 max to fill you only need to eat once 7 or 8 carrots a day, but with longer bar (1500) you still need 15 carrots per day but need to eat only once. You could also use both make bar 50% longer and hunger speed 50% faster (so 150% overall for both) and you have 1500 bar need 2250 satiation per day so you need to eat twice but this time 22 or 23 carrots per day and max 15 at once (use this if you think that there is to much food in game as you will use it 50% faster without changing how often you need to eat. There would be a lot of combinations to fit all kinds of styles.

  5. The thing with clouds is that they are rendered as any other cube , with texture only applied to faces and since they are transparent its those textures that change how everything looks behind clouds , so if we removed faces between cloud cubes they would look the same (collor wise) no matter how thick they were. If we want them to look better i think we should change how they are rendered first , for example game engine should see them as region of space that becomes more opaque the thicker it is (from point of observation) kinda like mist (cluds are the same thing as mist irl so why not in game) and then render them as gradient of more and more opaque color ( depending on weather , season, cloud type and maybe relative sun position . Color would change in gradient as well going from white to light pink/red on sunset for example). Even if clouds are just a background they play vital role in building climat of this game so at some point they should be upgraded but for now there are many more glaring isues and important features to be added, like better fighting system or large scale world generation.

    So overal i agree that clouds should be changed but not now and change shouldnt be in what shape they are but how are they rendered and how they behave. I have some additional ideas for upgrading clouds that i could write down here if anyone is interested.

  6. Or even less than one day maybe 10h they could be a food type that rewards on demand crafting/cooking instead of cooking every 2 to 4 days like with stew or soup. It would work even better if devs used this sugestion as well :

    since with this it would be possible to stack different sandwiches on one inv slot

  7. 23 hours ago, Pallanza said:

    I can, but I've also recently created two topics and I'm worried it might get counted as spamming if I create yet another one with the relatively slow speed of this part of the forum.

    Nah i made 4 posts in span of few hours once and it was fine.

  8. The thing is seraph at this point is probably one of core pieces of lore building and story telling for devs, so introducing new playable races might even be impossible (if we want to retain game cohesion) because of that.

    • Thanks 1
  9. @Maelstrom I think you misunderstood what @David Stark wanted to say. The wooly coats that domestic sheeps have are most probably (there are few theories) a product of cross/selective breeding of bighorn sheep/muflon over the centuries. At first they were used for milk, meat and leather , only with "help" from humans have they become those fluffy clouds we know. But i wont say no to other animals as well.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Adresing the original sugestion in this post first, i think we can safely say that basic or simple shapes like 1/4x1x1 column or step (depending on orientation), 1/4x1/4x1/4 corrner (or any other ratio) and all kinds of slopes, would be great for speed building for those that want just a little more detail than full blocks if possible to craft. They could be either gated by chisel/saw or had to be made in some sort of special way like placing in world and then "morphing" into desired shape with chisel/saw using selection menu, or stright up some sort of crafting/work table. They wouldnt be hard to implement in "problem solving" sense (at least apart from slopes), it would be just a lot of manual labor to do so since we would just need to use slabs as basis and change some numbers pretty much, the assets system helps a lot in this regard. On the other hand i still hope we will get upgrades to chiseling like some sort of design system and or other shapes we can remove/add from/to blocks we edit like plane, line, or drag box. Once something like this is added simple shapes would be easy enought to make with chisel so you wouldnt really need them predefined. 

    As for stone anvil i wholeheartedly agree with you @Pallanza that it would be much more immersive than the copper one, also it would introduce a practical aplication for whole "relieving stone blocks" machanic in game, But i think there is better way to ballance it than restricting item type (that said restriction to only copper is fine by me) that can be forged, just make it break after few times it was used like 10 or 15 for example, since restricting item types is taking out of immersion which was your goal with this in the first place i assume.

    Anyway i think you should make separate sugestion with this one as to divide those two topics.

  11. 1 hour ago, Hal13 said:

    monsters don't attack anything but seraphs though...

    yes in game but in stories they do so we can safely say that its a feature that most probably will be introduced later.

    as for world sentience i feel more like if it was some sort of dimensional consciousness that needs seraphs to experience time , like if seraphs presence was an energy or fuel of its existance , or maybe it knows that "The Rust" is contagious , maybe "The Rust" is a disiese of that type of beeing and seraphs have the ability to prevent/cure/mitigate it so when they are gone it goes to sleep so "The Rust" can't progress (because there cannot be any change if time is stoped).

    And as for the original 3 possible explanations i would go for #3 as well it just feels the most logical and leaves the most space to further expand on it , well it would depend actually on details but still... 

  12. Well this time it was me that constrained myself to only game elements (i mean boomery in game is of the type of those home-made ones in size i mean) , still my arguments mostly stands true i think :

    1. i mean the bloomery in game is to small to make it more than one use because of conflict betwen acessabillity and ariflow controll 

    2. its not the heat that breaks the bricks but destroying the structure to acess blooms inside , so brick tier shouldnt make any difference in bloomery's working

    that said it little confusing that we need bricks to build such small bloomery . Im writing a sugestion on metalurgy as a whole but still need some time to work out some details for it to be done , one of the points im going to make there is about bloomeries :

    Bloomery as it is now is overpriced and ovecompicated for what it gives us , as such i sugest to rework it entirelly 

    1. Bloomery in its most primitive form can now be build with blue or fire clay, assembly looks like this first take dry grass shift+right click on the ground from menu similar to knapping select bloomery assembly next add some sticks and fire wood all of that will act both as scafolding for clay and be used to prefire the bloomery later , next take clay and add it on top of wood you will thus buid structure similar to :LowShaftFurnace.thumb.jpg.0192a919099453795e3ec0b95beb18bd.jpg

    but with smaller from hole , after you are done with assemble you need to ignite the wood inside wait for it to burn out , fill it up with iron ore and charcoal , wait and break it after its done.

    after breaking you will get iron blooms along with crushed blue or fire clay that later can be used to make chamote by crushing it (chamote mortar is a must have material for making higher tier matalurgy realated structures) you can also get chamote by crushing any clay products. You need iron to make chamote.

    The whole idea is you need to build this small bloomery to get first few ingots of iron that will enable you to make better structure that wont need so much hussle to maintain.

    i will post the whole rework sugestion for metalurgy later in the week (if i dont get stuck in work XD) and it will i hope clarifie all question marks.

  13. So lets say it as such : for now such eventual multi block pottery furnace falls in a kind of werid spot in terms of suitability for the game , since before you can make it you probably wont need it apart from when you want to build something realy big from clay products and not everyone wants it. That said later in the game developement we might get : some sort of late game pottery sink , pottery could start breaking (casts especially) , some other item materials that needs to be fired like porcelain that would need more stable temperature to not break , or bigger structures from bricks like blast furnace or glass smelter and soo on that would need a lot of bricks to be build and maybe would be prone to damage if left unattended (overheating for example) , or just maybe new building blocks like ceramic tiles (ohhhhhh it could be nice to have in game "creator" for tiles that once design is created you would only need materials for) that would need to be fired in such structure again due to stable temperature and then could be placed over blocks like tapestry ... but honestly i might be going to much into speculation :D

  14. maybe something along those lines ? the dry grass blocks would be a mixture of dry grass and sticks similar to the one in pit kiln. those shelves should be metal racks of some sort and we should have the ability to place 2 variants that would be interchangeable : 1 and 2 layers in a block space . Since we use wood (or peat maybe as well) as fuel temperatures wouldnt be so extreme thus even tier 1 bricks should be 100% immune to damage.









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  15. 55 minutes ago, Windego said:

    That just gave me an idea.
    You know how bony soil gets picked off in very thin layers, visually, while you pan them? What if you could use a dirt block in a similar way to make layers between the raw clay ones. That /should/ in theory act as said scaffolding between raw clay item layers. With things that have a different depth in the center rather than just a completely flat surface... You could use sticks. We already, use sticks at the top. What's one layer of sticks to it, so we can add another layer of bowls?

    Again me beeing picky and wanting too much realism from game but it sounds like using game mechanics to much , because normaly dirt wont be solid enought ... but still if we just used sand or dirt to fill a bowl it could work , the problem here is that in contrast to bottom and top sides of bricks inside surface of bowl does matters a lot in terms of texture , then again we dont really have enought resolution in terms shapes to see sand grains that would stick to inside of bowl if we were to fill it with sand before firing so all of this depends on how much realism do we really want from the game.

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