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Jacek Babiak

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Stone Age Settler

Stone Age Settler (3/9)



  1. I thought that some mod had destroyed the clay molding, but I turned off all the mods and I still can't shape the clay things properly, more precisely, I haven't finished the first stage yet and the next level has already started. I ran creative mode without any mods and something like that.
  2. Hello, could someone check if a ripe pineapple can throw away the crop? and do the cooked soybeans have the consistency in the pot? because I don't know if it's the mods' fault.
  3. Can someone create chests (closed/open)? The guide shows how to create a box, but there is no way to create it, does anyone know anything? anyone can confirm this? This mods fix crate creation Crate Crafting Fix
  4. Can someone create a closed chest?
  5. the test version doesn't want me to create a new world, I even deleted the game and installed it again and removed all mods, help Edit: Everything works, unfortunately version 9 (full installation) is not complete, I had to go through all installations from 1-9
  6. Or maybe replace a normal cobblestone in the ruins with an old cobblestone? To get a new build.
  7. the problem is that it falls out as an item Edit: ok, now i know which mod blocks item drops this mod is responsible for not throwing things from inside buffedvessels
  8. how to open Cracked Vessel???
  9. I have the same thing on my world where I play, it crashes me after a while, but when I burn the save from the test map, it works normally
  10. Hi, How to make a new tab with other world settings? THX.
  11. You can use this file where I translated into Polish pl.json
  12. A plik tworzyłeś sam czy pobrałeś?
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