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Everything posted by Sokol777

  1. I keep my food in crooks and clay vessels in my cellar, the grain stored in vessels is good for about 5-6 years, and the prepared food stored ( and sealed with piece of fat or beeswax ) on the shelf, is good for about 2 years, take off 3-4 months on some though. My cellar is 3x4x3. Decay rate for vessels: Vegetable: 0.19x, Grain: 0.13x, Other: 0.26x. For the shelves, it's 0.26x. So I tend to just prepares meals with meat in it just before the winter and fill my shelves with it. I survive the winter easily with enough food, even got left over sealed meals for the spring. Still good for about 1.5 years.
  2. Sokol777

    Broody Hens

    As of this new 1.15. update, how does one aquire a broody hen? Is it random or must I do something to create one?
  3. Hi, I started smithing Iron Blooms on my anvil to clean them to get a full iron ingot, but on one bloom I accidently missed with my hammer the piece of voxel I was suppose to clear/split and I hit a part of the voxel that creates the ingot. Now my "Partially worked Iron Bloom" is missing three voxels to form an iron ingot. Is there a way of adding onto that said ingot from the other ingots I'm working on, because I tend to get some left over voxels on those other Iron blooms, and I just end up deleting those extra voxels of the useful voxels that create the iron ingot?
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