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Posts posted by Empirehacker

  1. Hey everyone,

    In version 1.19.3 I had cut reeds with a scythe (I don't remember if trim or remove setting, I assume I messed up and did remove, after in-game months though.) and they didn't grow back at all. (The ones in the background were planted after I had scythed the block in front.)


    So I painstakingly re-dug up all the reeds with a knife and replanted, they grew back regularly, and I used the trim option and waited again. During most of the winter it didn't matter but then 1.19.4 rolled out, I updated and this happened after spring came. What am I doing wrong? Is this just update weirdness? They were all harvested at the same time so they should all come back at once. Right?


  2. Hello again everyone,

    The search is over, 275 hours and lots of exploring(North, South, and West have a lot longer exploration because of course its in the last direction i try. 🤪), I found bauxite around 2750 blocks away from home, while following the suggestion from @Streetwind Who said;

    On 9/30/2021 at 1:56 AM, Streetwind said:

    Anecdotal evidence says that stone types change more often in the east-west direction than in the north-south direction. But that may have just been my last world and one other person's similar musings. Could have been random.

    Funnily enough I didn't see any orange on the map (it was under a dirt layer) and I thought it was claystone because it was dark and holding a lantern subtly changes the color of rocks. Not even to heap on the problem of me being colorblind (only slightly red-green, the most common type), which side by side I can tell whats claystone and what is bauxite, but for the situation I didn't even realize what it was until I was heading back at dawn and saw the orange cliff face I had passed.

    As for @Maelstrom that's some journey for bauxite, I feel ya. Really wish there was some sort of pro-pick but for stone types, would make finding it easier but maybe that's the point?🤔

    Thanks for all the help everyone, I'm sure as the game updates and progresses i'll have more questions. Think about those suggestions though, short of making a storehouse I'm running out of room in my chests fast.


  3. How's it going everyone,

    This is my first world and I started on a basalt plain, and it took me almost 100 hours to just find iron. I've searched a lot of area, every ladder icon is a cave I've explored, and every pick-axe is every surface resource I've come across. I have scaled mountains and trans-located at the swirly red marks. I found olivine, and ilmenite somewhat easy enough, but trying to find bauxite is like a needle in a haystack and that haystack is buried under several tens of layers of BASALT. How in the heck am i supposed to get T4 refractory bricks when I cant even find the material for T2? I literally have begun to run out of Iron and have reverted to Tin-Bronze so I have enough ingots for steel making whenever that might happen.

    What I'm trying to get across is; Experts of the game how in the heck do you find bauxite? Is it really just "stumble across it sometime??" There has to be a better way of finding these types of resources I.e. Rocks that don't show on the propick.

    That being said, it doesn't take away the fact that I love the game.

    Suggestions to think about;

    -Larger storage using Copper/Bronze/Iron reinforcement on standard chest maybe? (please,im begging ya, im a hoarder and i need more storage)

    -Ice harvesting for food storage/cellar spoil penalty reductions. (Basic medieval technology, maybe Icebox Area of effect?)

    -Mass jam making (Honey can be put in barrels so why not lots of berries too?)

    -Other ways to fix cloths/ more expensive ways if not clothier. (50% max cap for commoner? maybe? Im so cold in winter.)

    Thanks for any feedback, even if its "yeah you just find it eventually" It would be disappointing but not unexpected.


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