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Professor Dragon

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Posts posted by Professor Dragon

  1. On 7/11/2022 at 1:11 AM, RobinHood said:

    I have my own strategy, it's damn simple. If a storm comes, I so spend this time in a trader's cabin. It is important to close the door/gate and make sure that no stone hits you, and no stone hit the trader either. If they hit the trader, he can get very angry with you.

    Yeah, I've stopped staying in a Trader's wagon after he mercilessly round-housed me to death for "no apparent reason."

    Anyway, although I love those guys, I'm a touch suspicious of them. I mean, out there all alone, drifters everywhere, even in temporally unstable areas, and restocked every few days even though I never see them move anywhere, and never see anyone else come near them.


    And what exactly is the motive power for these wagons, hmmmm?

    And HOW do they get into the locations that they do get to?


    And WHY do they NEVER MOVE from those locations?


    All questions that I'd appreciate putting to them at some point . . . if only they had a dialogue tree.

  2. On 4/14/2022 at 1:12 AM, l33tmaan said:

    Oh, how my prayers have been answered...

    It is indeed a very nice list of fixes.

    Apart from the liquids, I appreciate the fruit tree fixes. Looking forward to seeing some fruit!

  3. Where do you see "red bonnet" mushrooms? Is this a typo or a mod or a beta?

    In v1.16.5 I see "pink bonnet" mushrooms, but not red. See first row, second picture below.

    There are no red bonnet mushrooms listed either in Creative mode, nor on the Wiki https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=Mushrooms



    I have tried eating pink bonnet mushrooms and making them into a stew, and both are fine.

  4. On 7/1/2022 at 10:50 PM, Xarl said:

    Side question: is there a way to check my current set values( for singleplayer).

    Ie: hunger rate, ability to sleep though storms etc.

    Answered by /u/Maelstrom, but a picture for those who want it.

    Press "c" to enter the character screen to see current rift activity, your player's stats, equipment and more.



  5. On 5/26/2022 at 11:43 PM, Garjouan said:

    Is there a way to change the starting position to be more north/south?

    In addition to what /u/rowwie said, if you forgot to specify it at worldgen, you could always "tp" to a more agreeable starting location.

    Or switch to creative move ("gamemode creative") and "fly" south, like a little birdie.

  6. 17 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

    Well that gets my creativity going.  Craft an anti-spawn device activated for a short time by temporal gears.

    A nice idea. I like the mechanic. And thank you for giving it some thought. 🙂

    The only thing that I'd quibble about is the pricing. I was more thinking of something higher priced, but permanent once bought. In the range of repairing a teleport device that allows you to travel vast distances, say. At the very least, something that lasts for tens of days, not hours.


    One thing that I've noticed is that there are different ways to play the game. For me, acquiring gears is not akin to a bulk purchase of commodities, but something that happens very occasionally over a long time, such as the odd drop after clearing out Drifters in the base after a storm. I don't set out to deliberately farm them, like it seems some do.

    I don't think such a device should be allowed to mitigate the dangers of caving, at least, not entirely. The main purpose should primarily be to allow a player to potter about a base.

    So there should be a limit, such as "must be used within a seven by seven room" like a greenhouse or food storage check. Or "is most effective above ground level" so that houses are protected, but caving isn't.


  7. On 7/6/2022 at 6:09 AM, Sokolcz said:

    Hello, does anyone know how to update the vintage story server to version 1.17.pre-3? I tried uploading files from server only, but it says connection errors or something like that and it's not possible to manipulate assets files :(

    The patch notes essentially say "Don't do that."

    "Please note: This version is still quite buggy and unfinished. Not recommended for use on old savegames!"


    I'm guessing it should work for you as a new install. But wait for something more stable before trying to upgrade existing files.


    EDIT. But "Thank you!" for kind of bringing my attention to the new update. There is some AWESOME stuff in there, that I've been looking forward to for a while. (Pots with orientation - yes please!)

    Plus new stuff I had no idea that I wanted, but am delighted to see is in game.

  8. On 5/20/2022 at 2:15 PM, Mentha said:

    So uh, I just installed this game in the last few hours, and actually went to look up tips on dealing with wolves. And I find this thread. With people defending The Iconic Vintage Story Wolves That Will Kill You™.

    I know where you're coming from, because I'm still living that journey.

    First some perspective - if you've only been playing for a few hours, then give it a bit longer. If you've only just started, then you don't have decent armour, weapons, gamesense or tactical skills, and these things will come with longer play time. Oh, and of course, don't build your house near a wolf spawn point.

    Second, some Real World Advice. Even after many "in game" years, wolves (and drifters) are still killing me in annoying, "unfair" (or is that "unfun"?) ways.
    I haven't yet got to the point of entirely knobbling the game, but at this point I've got to say "Options are your friend." Look at any or all of these:

    • Increase your character health. (I'm a Malefactor - probably a bad choice)
    • Use creative mode to give yourself some healing, linen armour and a copper sword or whatever you can rationalise
    • Set respawn option to keep inventory and put you close to where you died
    • On death, switch to creative mode, swoop up your stuff, get somewhere safe and go back into Survival mode

    In short, cheat as much as you feel is justified. I rationalise it as "If the wolves cheat, then I'm allowed to cheat." And I'm the type of player who really, really, really likes to play a game "straight." But in a game where you can die from picking a flower, you reach a breaking point . . .





  9. Hello There,

    After 3+ game years, I thought that this system created a "temporal storm proof" base for drifter spawns.

    This is NOT a drifter proof room (see image).

    It is essentially a small room (this one was 5 long  x 4 wide x 2 high), with an additional "shelf" in a side wall), where EVERY floor space has either a chest, table or "placed stone" on it.

    Then a Nightmare Drifter spawned in, and that was that - and very quickly. It spawned right next to the table.

    The only difference between this bunker and previous bunkers I've built, was that I didn't have the floor covered with a single layer of planks, because I'd only just moved in.

    Was it the planks that worked? Or have I really just been "lucky" all of this time?


    Light was a copper lamp in my hand, and a small fat lamp on the wall.


    I know it is a recurring lament, but we really should be able to build a small drifter proof bunker at least and not get killed by such shenanigans.

    Because the only alternative is to sleep through the storm. At this point, I'm not even sure if walling yourself into a 1 x 1 x 2 box while standing on planks is sufficient. (Is it?)
    Or even, just think, a drifter proof house.

    A minimum "spawn proof circle" around the player the size of a 7 x 7 room would do.

    Or an "anti-spawn beacon" crafted out of gears that you can carry with you that does the same thing. A bigger gear investment would give a bigger range. One gear might let you secure a room this size, a bigger investment a 7 x 7 room or more.



    This base is not drifter proof.png

  10. On 12/31/2021 at 1:27 PM, Kyle Mullen said:

    If you have honey in a cooking pot and a stack of bowls in your hand, you can right click the honey into the stack of bowls. You can then separate the bowls and it will duplicate the amount of honey in each bowl. So for example I have 3 bowls stacked and I fill it to 1 liter then I have 3 bowls of 1 liter.

    I confirm a similar similar bug with honey and buckets.

    Have a bucket filled with 10L of honey in a chest.

    Partially fill an empty bucket with any amount of honey (eg squeezed from the block).

    Place this now partially filled bucket on top of the full 10L bucket and it will stack to be two buckets of 10L of honey.

  11. Even in my second/third year with linen armor, and not seeking them out, I'm dying to wolves.

    Ok, the last time I was running back to my base, after going out for an adventure, and ran within range of one.


    Still, and I haven't seen this before, this is what gets me - the teleportation.


    It is like the Minecraft dogs which teleport to you when you're out of range.

    I make a run for it into water, and "Blam!" the wolf is ahead of me! How? ? ?


    This "teleportation" has happened a few times.


    . . . I'm waiting for the response of "Lag."


    • Like 1
  12. On 5/10/2022 at 7:44 AM, Maelstrom said:

    knocking out just one block should do the trick.

    Yes, it did.  I took a wall block right out and that worked.


    It would be nice though to have a block in its place. It's a bit unnerving having drifters all around, even if they haven't figured out yet a way to get me through a 1x1 hole.


    I haven't tried the fence . . . should get onto that.

  13. On 5/10/2022 at 7:15 AM, Maelstrom said:

    problem with converting farmland back to soil blocks is resetting the nutrient levels thus creating a huge farming exploit.

    That's a very good point.

    But if the farm soil blocks maintain individual data about nutrients, then converted "soil to dirt" blocks could just retain that data.

    Then if they are converted back to farm soil blocks, they just take those values again.


    It is not like there is going to be a huge number of these "soil to dirt" blocks existing at any time. Far less than all the wild crops and other entities that track progression.


    There may be an issue with "stacking" though. Maybe it could be like stacking food - where the farm soil takes the average value of everything added to the stack.



  14. * Option in Settings for conversion of temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit

    I'm pleased it's in Celsius. Finally! Something for the rest of the world!
    But yeah, sure, this seems harmless, why not?

    *  I would like there to be text in the tooltip of clothing to specify what clothing slot it occupies - this is especially to differentiate between shirts and outerwear before committing to buying/crafting something, as it's not always obvious what slot a clothing item belongs to.

    Yes please! Strong support.

    • Like 2
  15. REQUEST: I'd like to be able to plant flowers onto farmland.

    Specifically in my greenhouse, as there are periods when you're not cropping, but some decorative flowers would be nice.



    I wouldn't mind if planting flowers on farmland converted it back to the underlying dirt block.

    That seems a fair trade. It only requires hoeing again.

    (This would also tie into the other feature request that people have of being able to break farmland blocks.)




  16. REQUEST:

    I'd like to be able to "open a vent" in my "greenhouse" and be able to switch it from the greenhouse effect, to not.

    For example, to have a vertical trapdoor in a wall, if opened, turn the effect off. And closed, on.
    (I don't mind about the four hour checking delay. That's fine.)


    Similar to how in a real greenhouse there are vents that you open in hot weather, and close at night.


    I see that a lot of people have trouble in activating a greenhouse. My issue is the opposite! I can't "break" my greenhouse.

    I have tried:

    • Changing a full block roof glass block to a closed trapdoor.
      (I don't want it open, to avoid drifters falling through.)
    • Replacing some of the full block glass wall windows with half block glass windows.

    However even after many in-game hours/days, these have not removed the "greenhouse" flag from the farmland.

    Which is a bit of an issue in a warm climate. Although the primary purpose of a greenhouse is useful to extend the season, I have also very much appreciated been able to work on crops without worrying about drifters.

    And no, I don't want to manually remove walls or ceilings, although I could if that would be reliable. Hmmm. I haven't tried some fences instead of glass yet . . .


    If anyone has any existing solutions to this conundrum, let me know.

    Thank you!


    • Like 1
  17. On 2/21/2022 at 11:37 AM, Jacob Kos said:

    Simply turn off the wind effects if a crop (or tree leaves) have the "in greenhouse" tag. It makes absolutely no sense for them to wave around in what is basically a closed environment.

    Yes, please.

    I came immediately looking to see if this Suggestion had already been made, after entering my greenhouse and seeing the crops blowing around as if they were in a gale.


    At worst, there should be a vastly scaled impact. So if it is blowing an absolute gale outside, then maaaaaaybe there could be a residual small movement inside.


    • Like 2
  18. Ok, two years later, but "Yes!"  I would like to see more wood types.

    Exactly the guide that I was looking for.  I didn't realise that I could write with limestone, so that was a hot tip right there.

    Charcoal is "expensive" to come by, but I have a limestone plain just over the hill.

  19. 32 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

    Good news - this is already in for 1.17 :)

    Source: a screenshot was posted on March 11th in the #devlog channel on Discord.



    Thanks Streetwind.


    This renders this 1.16.5 screenshot of my (temporal storm proof) base bolt hole, showing said crock, entirely superfluous


    Aside from showing off the room, of course. 🙂



    Crock Label faces south.png

  20. I enjoy seeing the crock labels.

    However, unless you place them while facing north, you don't see the label.


    My suggestion is that when placing a crock, the crock label should always be orientated facing the player.


    Example, if you are facing east and place a crock down, then the crock should be orientated with the label on the west.


    Thanks - that's it.


    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  21. I know this is an older suggestion, but having now placed the grand total of one sign on a chest, I wish to second this:

    "It would be nice to have a better way of labeling chests. Current signs, if placed in front of chest, make it hard to click on the chest itself. "

    I mean, I can click around the edges, and I've since turned the chest into a trunk, but still, it would be nice to be able to click anywhere on the front of the chest - or the sign - and have the chest open.

    I hope that this part is still planned:
    "Made this already a while ago so hopefully coming soon! ^_^"

    Although I see that there is a mod. out now, for anyone who wishes to use it (I haven't tried, but it looks fine):


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