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Jackal Black

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Posts posted by Jackal Black

  1. Hi, as mentioned previously, you don't have to look at how long the food lasts, but the values that the container where you place it are indicated to you.
    Those are great values! and they should store the food very well.
    However, I ask myself some questions based on the screen.
    In the meantime, let's point out that the berries have a shelf life of zero once stored, they really last nothing compared to all other fresh foods and appear harvested, so the blue berries are consistent with their nature, while the red berries... I feel like to think that either they had already been there for quite some time or you kept them around for a long time and then put them away.
    You will rarely see berries put into storage lasting more than 10/15 days and this only happens when you pick them and store them immediately.

    Furthermore, if you are using mods, it would be better to always mention them when asking for help, as perhaps without your knowledge these affect the durability of the raw materials once stored.

    Even once I stored the berries for the first time I was very perplexed, however even in real life they don't last as long once put in the refrigerator, not as long as counterparts like Apples or Pears so to speak.
    So don't worry, it's normal :D


    Hello, son, always me :D
    As the title suggests, I wanted some help regarding some problems I've encountered on my game since update 1.19 and any advice on how to resolve them from someone who is perhaps more capable than me.

    First of all, I would like to point out that my game is a single player, but that I often open it locally to play with a friend, so no we are not using a server.
    The game currently contains the following Mods:
    - DecO'Clock
    - BetterRuins
    - Ancient Dungeons (Th3Dungeon)
    - Better Firepit
    - Animal cages
    - Simple HUD Clock
    - Ceramos
    - Wildcraft Trees v1.2.4
    - Workbench expansion

    The current problems I encounter in the game are the following:
    -Blocks of water one block deep, partly dried up and partly not, in practice half of the pond has disappeared while the other half has not... so there are these points where you see blocks of water and empty spaces next to them ( As soon as I understand how to upload the screens I'll post some images)
    - Furthermore, I can't enable the function of chiselling earth blocks in game, maybe there is a command to do or enable?
    - Like the problem above, caves do not have the function of falling stone blocks unless supported by a beam, how do I have this in my world?

    Yes, I know the last two are not who knows what problems, but I would like to understand how to enable them in game because I hate myself :D

    By the way, I have one last problem, but I think it's more mod related than anything else, in my current world, when I find clothes in treasure chests, if I try to take them into my inventory, they have the durability going from 100% to 20% if not much less.
    How do I figure out which mod is causing the problem? So I'll report it to whoever manages the mod :)

    Thank you so much everyone ^_^

  3. 5 hours ago, VaelophisNyx said:

    Adesso almeno possono essere 14x14x14, ma finora hanno tutti gli stessi pro e contro. Possono essere utili, ma anche dannosi (a volte i raccolti diventano troppo caldi)


    Trovo che il loro utilizzo migliore sia piantare anticipatamente alcune colture, seguite dalla rottura di un pezzo del tetto in modo che non si qualifichi più come serra, evitando così di cuocere a morte le piante con il passare dell'anno.

    Really can greenhouses now be 14x14? I had stayed with the old 7x7? o.o

  4. On 19/11/2023 at 22:34, Delerium76 said:

    Mi sto davvero stancando degli orsi e dei lupi in questo gioco, a dire il vero. Trovare un orso che dorme in mezzo alle pianure è semplicemente stupido considerando che sono macchine omicide a 1 colpo che possono superarti. Ad ogni gioco che inizio, mi sembra di morire entro 24 ore a causa di un lupo o di un orso che vaga per aree in cui non troverai mai un lupo o un orso. 

    Look, seeing that there are people who play VS on Twitch and use perma-death, with the base game settings, I have to say that you're complaining about nothing, maybe games like Minecraft have accustomed us badly to not having too many dangers while we're shooting for the world. Other survival games like Ark instead teach you that death is around every corner, or worse right at the spawn xD

    I honestly learned to avoid the forests because of the low visibility and the risk of meeting wolves and to keep a close eye on where I'm going to avoid bears. But only at the beginning of a new world.
    Because with Gambesone's armor you can easily hold 3 wolves. while bears, at least if they are not the biggest ones, are easy to kill even the small ones.

    Then in an advanced stage of the game, I walk around with heavy iron or steel armor and I don't fear anything, it's true that the bears and wolves run away from me, but sooner or later I'll catch them again and since they don't recover their life immediately or quickly, the lethal blow comes later :D


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. On 11/16/2023 at 6:30 PM, Streetwind said:

    Biomes in VS are not predefined and placed, but rather emergent from world creation and climate bands.

    Each game world is made up of several maps that all overlay each other. There's the terrain map that the player sees and interacts with, but there's also a temperature map, a humidity map, a forestation map, and others. Thus, any given block in the game doesn't only have its terrain coordinates, but also an average temperature, a humidity value, a forestation value, a latitude, etc.

    Every plant in the game is defined with a range of spawn conditions: a minimum and maximum temperature, a minimum and maximum humidity, and so on. For each area, the world generator looks at what content it has available for the given conditions, and then populates the area with that content. For example, areas with extremely low humidity will become deserts. But other factors influence the type of desert. You won't find any cacti around the default spawn latitude of around 47.5°N; instead you'll get rolling hills of gravel, sometimes with sparse shrubbery or the occasional tree, and sometimes not. But near the equator, deserts absolutely do turn up with sand dunes and cacti. Animals also follow the same rules; down south you may get hyenas instead of wolves.

    Since the game always spawns you in the northern hemisphere, walk south to find hotter biomes like jungles and savannahs, or north to find colder ones like glacier fields. Your setting for starting climate determines the rough latitude you start at. The setting for pole-equator distance determines how far apart the extremes in the climate distribution are. Poles and equators repeat endlessly on the north-south axis up to the world border; on the east-west axis, climate doesn't change, so you will only encounter variations of biomes allowed at the current latitude.

    Thank you very much, you were very helpful in understanding how the game creates the world map :)


    Hi everyone, I wanted to ask all the players who have a good knowledge of the game, how do the biomes work in world generation? I know we have the polar zones in the extreme north and south of the map.
    But do we also have an Equatorial zone? Where maybe gazelles spawn? And the desert areas with cacti that I know are there but I never know exactly where?
    I have a basic survival world, with all the basic parameters set by the game, I just touched the tree growth rate, the amount of copper and removed the time gear usage counter.
    Having said that, I would like to understand where I am in the world, am I further north of the map? Am I in a southern area? Do these biomes really exist or are they rare to find?
    Here are these things so I would like to understand.

  7. On 15/11/2023 at 11:23, Divardican said:

    Invece di avere solo due opzioni nelle impostazioni, dovrebbe esserci anche una terza opzione di mezzo alla strada per rilasciare oggetti nell'inventario, ma mantenere gli oggetti della cintura/hotbar come menzionato da Tyron dovrebbe essere incluso come terza opzione di mezzo alla strada nelle opzioni di impostazione della morte.

    Sorry, don't be offended...

    but it's a post from 2017, I'd say that this topic has been more than handled, in fact, I love the current penalty where you lose all your inventory with the exception of the armor you're wearing (With the effort that goes into producing one, it would be the worst thing to lose it), or during the creation of the new world being able to choose whether or not to lose the inventory in case of death :)

  8. HI,
    sorry for the bad English but I'm using the legendary Google Translate!! :D
    So my current problem is what appears in the title, it seems like the game has lost all its music! Be careful, the game audio is all there, I can hear the rain, the wind, the sound of the drifters, the wolves, the sheep... the bears chasing me :D
    NBut the music is totally absent both on the home screen, while playing and also the resonator with each of its cylinders.
    It was some time ago that I noticed that there was no music in the game, but I always thought it was my impression since I keep it low, however the problem was already noticeable on the main screen, but I thought it was intentional at the beginning.
    But then yesterday I bought the resonator from the merchant and all very happy I tried to listen to a cylinder eh....
    Nothing could be heard, I tried this with other cylinders, but it didn't work.
    I'm currently using the latest stable version of the official game (so no candidates, pre or similar).
    I have various mods, but none of them should (or at least I think) touch the music.
    I guess I should uninstall and reinstall, but I'm afraid of losing my current world or ruining it beyond repair.
    Do you have any advice or has anyone run into the same problem as me?
    Many thanks in advance

  9. Surely you talk about Minecraft, you don't have to be ashamed to say it or be afraid, no one kills you here.
    However, to say that that game is more stable than Vintage, this is laughable, just think of the heavy drops in FPS that the game brings if you dare to increase the viewing distance of the Chunks and if you add mods, that the game begins to show all its flaws. At least you're not talking about the Badrock Edition version, clearly 1000 times more stable than Java (I play with 99 Chunk viewing) but with the only flaw... that there are no real mods but only Add- on..... which invalidates it a lot, and the much acclaimed RTX function... well it's a rip off. Meanwhile, there are only set Jaw-breaking worlds where you can't start your own survival game... you look at those worlds, you just drool over them...
    The RTX Nvidea packages for those who want, have not been updated for years now, and therefore after all the latest additions from Mojang they do not work.
    So you have to resort to RTX packages created by users who however.... release them via Patreon....
    Not to mention that the Java Version and Badrock still have too many differences... so I don't know where you see all this stability you're talking about.

    Now going back to what happened to you, I've been playing Vintage for at least 1 year now and the only world I "lost" was when there was the transition to 1.18, I'll put it between commas, because it wasn't lost, I'm the one who decided to start from scratch as I wanted to take advantage of the new worldgen. And believe me, I use many, many more mods than you.

    I wouldn't want the world to be corrected for you or because you made the mistake of porting your world to the Test version of the new 1.19 without making a minimum backup.
    Or does the problem come from your PC, because if the game was working until the other day I doubt it's the fault of some mod, or did you just need to remove the last mod inserted, or see if it has been updated perhaps?

    I would follow the advice of hearing Tyron before throwing mud for free on a game that in my opinion beats Minecraft hands down despite having existed for many fewer years and with a significantly smaller team.

    Someone who played Minecraft for 6 years tells you this, I know all the flaws of the title and also its pros precisely because it was a game I loved.

    • Like 8
    • Haha 1
  10. On 19/8/2023 at 17:16, woo clap said:

    Ehi, mi sto davvero appassionando a questo gioco dopo averlo acquistato di recente e aver giocato un po' con gli amici. Vengo da Minecraft modificato e una mod che ha reso quel gioco davvero spettacolare per me è stata Distant Horizons, una mod di livello di dettaglio che crea blocchi "falsi" al di fuori della normale distanza di rendering in modo da poter vedere fino a oltre 200 blocchi di distanza . Mi chiedevo se esistesse qualche possibilità per qualcosa del genere su Vintage Story, o se fosse stato discusso o preso in considerazione in precedenza

    I'm sorry, but at least you don't have a pitiful pc, it seems to me that in many games VS we play with render distances much higher than 200 blocks.
    Also unlike Minecraft which is programmed in Java while VS is developed in C# which already makes it much more stable even with greater Render Distances. Which is the same thing that makes the Mincraft Badrock where I played it with 99 chuck render distance and with RTX active.
    So at least since you don't have a PC which is a bit old and you haven't bombarded the game with 1600 mods, it seems strange to me that you have frame or render problems. Also with the addition to net7 the overall performance of the game has improved a lot

  11. 12 hours ago, Nerdlin Geeksly said:

    Non sono sicuro se si tratti di un bug o se sia intenzionale, ma questa volta quando ho costruito la mia cantina con lo sporco compatto (sto giocando con la fisica che fa cadere lo sporco normale) il mio cibo ha iniziato a marcire più velocemente a x1.11 valutare.
    Qualcun altro ha avuto questo problema ed è normale?

    I don't know, I usually make my cellars underground and apart from the beginning of release 1.18 they have never given me any problems.

  12. It happened to me too and I live in an area where rain is indicated as "Common" I never gave it any weight, because in the end it helps with the crops to keep the soil nice and moist and therefore to facilitate the growth of the plants.

    As long as it's a random thing maybe it's just the weather system that is like this, otherwise if you are in an area where rain is only common but you get long and frequent thunderstorms I don't know whether to say if the bug is in the weather or in the area indicator . :)

  13. I got caught, because an Italian content creator talked about it (unfortunately not well) on YouTube, since he usually brings content about Minecraft and obviously, just making comparisons with that, it seemed to me too biased a review besides the fact that it wasn't even went over the first night and couldn't even get a fire going and it was left in the dark.
    But seeing what little it showed instead of repudiating the game I felt intrigued and bought it. Minecraft hasn't inspired me for a long time, needless to say I dropped the one for this and I love Vintage ❤️


    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, plav said:

    Ho scelto l'avvio standard e non ho modificato alcuna impostazione. Alcune delle montagne sono davvero strane e appuntite, alcune addirittura tagliate alla base. È normale o?



    it would be abnormal if they weren't there believe me :D

    • Haha 1
  15. I think I have quite a few, and I always play single player survival, as I have very little time to play and joining a server just seems to take up space :D

    I currently have 11 mods I think, nothing that unbalances the game play too much and I hope I haven't forgotten anything. Here the list :D

    - DecO'Clock
    - Volumetric Shading (Updated)
    - Temporal Storm Timer
    - Better Firepit
    - Auto Map Markers
    -Simple HUD Clock
    - Better Ruins
    - Ancient Dungeons (Th3Dungeon)
    - Prospector Info
    - Workbench expansion

    - AlloyCalculetor

  16. Il 29/6/2023 alle 01:44, Thorfinn ha detto:

    È terribilmente veloce. Wilderness è un po' più difficile, ma tu giochi a Survival, giusto? Anche se non hai nient'altro, la pelliccia piena dovrebbe essere buona a -9C, IIRC. Solo 1 grado di differenza dovrebbe essere buono per tutto il giorno, penso.

    Non faccio il mascalzone. Questo peggiora il congelamento? Che tipo di attività stai svolgendo? Non ricordo l'ultima volta che ho avuto bisogno di una capanna riscaldante durante gli scatti e la caccia, a parte se cado/salto in acqua o esco in una bufera di neve. Sì, bruci il cibo più velocemente, ma sono abbastanza sicuro ti tiene al caldo.

    D'altra parte, di solito vado a sud per l'inverno, quindi ho qualcosa da fare...

    Sorry everyone, I'm an idiot....
    Now that I'm in the game, thanks to a friend, I realized that the character crushes like that because of the temperature, which at home also reaches -20, this is because my house is built about 15/20 blocks above the ground and it's inside and on the side of a hill that i had at spawn and i thought i was doing something different than usually building on the flat area below there.
    We noticed it because it scored -20 for me while my friend who has the house at water level had a simple -10.

    I confirm mine is a survival, with only a few small changes in the worldgen, such as more copper and tin and growth rate at x1 value.
    Actually I was working at home, tidying up here and there, I never understood why my houses are not considered as such, maybe I make them too big and complex? therefore it doesn't keep the heat of the fires that I light inside, so I always have to light fires here and there to warm up the character.
    Premise that it's all built by me, so there are no natural blocks, I put walls, floor and roof, but still it doesn't keep the heat.

    I feel like a fool for bothering you for nothing, I thought it was because of the mods, but really I think it's just the way the house is. :/

  17. 21 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    La temperatura corporea dipende non solo da cosa indossi, ma anche da quanto c'è vento (più vento ti raffredda più velocemente) e da quanto è bagnato il tuo personaggio. Ci si può bagnare nuotando, ma anche per le piogge e, in inverno, per le nevicate. Se sei bagnato, perderai la temperatura corporea molto più velocemente del normale.

    Non credo che nessuno dei mod abbia nulla a che fare con questo. Probabilmente hai solo una combinazione di fattori che ti rende più vulnerabile al freddo.

    Sure, I understand this but going from 37.8 to 34 in a few minutes seems really anomalous to me, also because this didn't happen before.
    That's why I would like to understand where I can find logs and see if something is not working properly.
    Really, this doesn't just happen outside, but also while I'm inside the house, and then even outside before it took at least 10 minutes even if it was windy or the character was wet. while now in really early times like 2 minutes he goes from feeling good to feeling very cold with loss of life.

  18. 2 ore fa, Thorfinn ha detto:

    Non lo fanno nemmeno, però. Questo è il problema con loro. Puoi essere colpito con qualche roccia, certo, ma con un po' di pratica, le lance abbattono orde con un rischio minimo, anche su Wilderness e senza armatura. Sono le cose su cui non ti preoccupi di perdere tempo nelle tempeste alla ricerca del doppio. Anche gli incubi non valgono la pena di perdere la durabilità delle molte lance che ci vorranno.

    I Drifters sono solo un minigioco e, a differenza dei minigiochi Knapping, Clayforming o Panning, sono un minigioco inutile. I primi due fornire che hai qualcosa da mostrare giocando, il secondo una buona possibilità, ma cosa devi mostrare per una notte di gioco al minigioco vagabondo? Forse un paio di fibre, forse un ingranaggio temporale ogni due mesi. Ottieni molta più fibra semplicemente esplorando con una torcia, inoltre hai semi e cibo da mostrare per il tempo, piuttosto che, il più delle volte, solo alcune lance.

    Guarda, se lo lanci su questo pavimento te lo dico subito, e in altri giochi?
    Sapete quanti videogiochi ci sono "mostri" che potete tranquillamente decidere se affrontare o meno? In molti videogiochi questi mostri sono totalmente "inutili" dove o perdi solo tempo o comunque non danno premi nell'ucciderli.
    Quindi sta al giocatore come su VS decidere se affrontarli o scappare.
    E badate bene, non necessariamente piazzando un drop questi iniziano ad avere un valore, anzi, diventano solo un pretesto per la maggior parte del tempo per costringere il giocatore a farmare per allungare il ceppo o raggiungere l'ennesima scorciatoia per accorciare l'ottenimento tempo di qualcosa. Se diamo roba inutile ai vagabondi, i vagabondi diventano inutili, se diamo loro un drop raro o non ottenibile nel gioco, allora rimangono inutili buoni solo per quel drop, se diamo loro un drop comune ma che in in ogni caso ci vorrebbe per ottenerlo in tempo di gioco (un esempio di sasso già levigato giusto per sparare qualcosa a caso) allora le persone invece di andare a minare iniziano a prendere i vagabondi e si torna ai casi precedenti.

    Per questo sono dell'idea che vadano riviste un attimo e magari migliorate in termini di pericolosità, restituendo un senso alla loro esistenza.
    Però alla fine ci ritorni, visto che dal numero di post non sei un giocatore alle prime armi e sicuramente hai le spalle larghe ormai e quindi avrai sempre abbastanza dimestichezza per gestirle.
    Poiché non si tiene nemmeno conto di questo, un giocatore esperto avrà sempre la gestione e il controllo di ogni situazione, un chiaro esempio sono le sfide su Dark Soul, Elden Ring, Bloodborn ecc. subendo danni, mentre se provo a giocarci non ho nemmeno creato il personaggio che sono morto 5 volte.
    Sul vintage avrai abbastanza esperienza per giocare duro, ma io non ci provo nemmeno, visto che dalla 1.18 sono morto almeno 20 volte anche per mano di sbandati.

    Look, if you throw it on this floor then I'll tell you right away, and in other games?
    Do you know how many video games there are "monsters" that you can safely decide whether to face or not? In many video games these monsters are totally "useless" where either you just waste time or in any case they don't give prizes in killing them.
    So it's up to the player as on VS to decide whether to face them or run away.
    And mind you, not necessarily by placing a drop these start to have a value, on the contrary, they become only an excuse for most of the time to force the player to farm to lengthen the stock or reach yet another shortcut to shorten the obtaining time of something. If we give drifters useless stuff, drifters become useless, if we give them a rare drop or one that can't be obtained in the game, then they remain useless good only for that drop, if we give them a common drop but which in any case would take to get it in game time (an example of stone already polished just to shoot something at random) then people instead of going to undermine begin to get drifters and we go back to the previous cases.

    This is why I am of the opinion that they should be reviewed for a moment and perhaps improved in terms of danger, restoring meaning to their existence.
    However, in the end you return there, since from the number of posts you are not a first-time player and you certainly have broad shoulders by now and therefore you will always be familiar enough to manage them.
    Because you don't even take this into account, an experienced player will always have the management and control of every situation, a clear example are the challenges on Dark Soul, Elden Ring, Bloodborn etc. where you have to get a complete run without taking damage, while if I try to play it I don't even have created the character that I died 5 times.
    On vintage you'll be experienced enough to play it Hard, but I don't even try, since from 1.18 I've died at least 20 times even at the hands of drifters.

    But these are just my opinions :)


    • Like 1
  19. HI,

    I hope I'm using the right section of the forum, I wanted to ask you where can I find any game log that can indicate any errors or conflicts given by the mods?

    I'll explain the problem, I'm currently playing Single Player with some mods, which sounds like nothing strange, however yesterday I updated 2 mods and saw that two new versions had been released, the mods in question are the (Simple HUD Clock and the DecO'Clock).
    Now the problem in the game, since it's winter outside it's -10 degrees, my blackguard is With Gambeson's armor and fur (at 80%) , but he can't keep warm for an acceptable time, i.e. in the within 4 minutes he passes to have a body temperature of 37.8 to 34 degrees.
    While before to lose so much temperature it took much longer, at least 10 minutes or 15, to be honest, I never noticed. But now the thing is too short and I can't do much like build or fetch resources without running to light a bonfire every 3 minutes.

    I tried to roll back the mods to the previous version, but the game crashes as soon as I start the game and to be honest I don't even know if those 2 mods or if they were others causing this conflict, but I certainly didn't have this problem last time.

    Can you help me?
    Thank you :)

  20. Look,
    I'm not an expert in the game, but I'm still pegging it, for me the mistake was to stick to high fertility land, I would rather have aimed immediately at medium land, it certainly doesn't perform as well as the other one, but it still helps to to grow cultures in more acceptable times.
    When I start a game I always try to do two things at the beginning, a dirt shelter and immediately the agricultural fields, even if small, but everything makes gold in a VS survival especially at the beginning.
    But now you're in winter and you have food problems, the only thing you can do is hunt, or take into consideration the roots of cattail, which are still a valid alternative, if I'm not mistaken they give 100 satiety if cooked or 80, I do not remember.
    running towards copper is never bad but you need charcoal, so one thing I do at the beginning is to think before cutting all the fronds by hand in order to get the seeds to plant then closer to my house and then cut the trunk, this allows me not to travel great distances every time to get the wood. It seems to me that pines are the fastest to grow but maybe I'm wrong eh.
    Anyway going back to copper, it's never a bad thing to have it first, but maybe it's better to make sure you're in a position to do it (perhaps a good amount of superficial copper), otherwise in my opinion it's better to try to think about your own survival by looking for more and more seeds , then if in the meantime you find copper then all the better :D
    Also remember that building a house and crops in high places implies that it gets colder and colder, so it would be better in those cases to have two fields, one near the house at the top where to put the seeds more resistant to the cold and the other further down where put everything else (or plant everything there).
    The initial zone with fixed temporal instability is not that I advise against it, but it certainly puts the player in an awkward situation and at this point perhaps it would be better to consider moving or restarting, also because every time you will have to move to recover the stability, might as well Therefore ... :)
    And then, why doesn't it surprise me that there is a bear groping the player at his house right from the start of the game? :D

    However, I'm of the opinion that this game should never be rushed unless the game offers you plenty of resources to afford it :)
    My opinion is clear :)

  21. My personal opinion, you compare VS too much to Minecraft... but really a bit too much. Of course it is built with blocks, of course the game was born from the mod project for MC VintageCraft and is crafted, but it's not that Minecraft is also the only survival game currently in circulation.
    Besides, I may be a bad person, but after years of MC and many other survival, I can not associate the word "Survival" to Minecraft.
    Minecraft mobs are good for farming, you can make skeletons for arrows and bones, and there is a respective farm, zombies... well, those are only used to make iron farms, creepers are farmed for the gunpowder, the Enderman other farm....
    In practice, with their usefulness they are seen more as good for making farms and less and less as a threat. With the exception of the creeper, the stealth one comes at you from behind and if you don't have an armor on you go boom with him (armor that is made on MC as if nothing were anything else).

    No really, I don't want to see drifters reduced like that, rather I prefer to find them piled up outside my front door.
    Their purpose as I said earlier is to remind the player that there are threats to their life in the game, not give you random items just to make them good for farms.
    Do you have 10 drifters away from home at night? Well! Row to bed and spend the night instead, or go out and fight them and then if you don't have a good armor and shield those 10 will lynch you properly as it should be.
    I really prefer to raise the level of challenge by implementing other types of drifters that are even more dangerous. If the day is the moment in which the player can do whatever he wants, the night must not be like this, the night must be dangerous and focused on these beasts, if you want to go out you do it at your own risk, or put the option to don't lose your inventory on death and go chill.
    Or if they annoy you so much light up the area around the house or turn off the drifters :D

    I would sincerely add new ones, some who know how to open doors and hatches, or maybe one who can hit you ignoring shield and armor (maybe it doesn't hurt too much and there aren't more than a certain amount in a given area). Just to throw down two ideas, but I remain of the opinion that you also have to be able to choose whether to face them or not and that they are always a threat...
    But I'm pretty sure someone will always complain about drifters, so in my opinion disable them first in worldgen :D

    Not something useless like MC's mobs.
    My personal opinion.

    • Like 2
  22. 7 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

    Oh, I am. Permadeath makes me a chicken. ;)


    Ah no, I still have never played permadeath, realize that I still die like a chicken in the stupidest ways like death by cold, death by hunger, dead buried alive in a mine, dead by lightning, dead by fire at home, died of flights in caves covered by a light slab of sand, died of cold etc.. :D

    7 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

    Is that still true? I thought that was patched.

    I also remembered that they had to patch this bear thing, yet it still works today, and I say thank goodness now, because it is the only smart way that allows you to kill them in game without running too many risks, of course you can always do the infamous pillar from 4 blocks too. But I think taking a bath every now and then is useful :D

    7 hours ago, Thorfinn said:

    I don't think that's still the case, though at one time I thought I was sure it was. They may both be faster on the straight and flat, I don't know, but where you can outpace them is dodging around blocks and timing your jump properly when ascending slopes. Watching them, I'm pretty sure they both run into the block, stop, go around or up, start again. I kind of wonder if their pathing has trouble if you are out of sight, too. For whatever reason, it's not too hard to give them the slip by bobbing and weaving through trees.

    look I did tests on a generally flat world, and actually running they are much faster, also I remind you that when they leap forward (I discovered that the bear is worse than a cricket! O.o) they also gain too much ground.
    Then maybe in the slalom between trees their AI is actually not the best, but both going up and going down the blocks didn't seem so much to me (slow) but that's just my impression :)
    Surely if I feel like a bear chasing me or wolves I won't turn around to see if they can climb the blocks.
    At the very least I cry and run like a child, I run to the base, I shut myself inside, I put myself in a corner and pray to San Gennaro to let that nightmare pass :D

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