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Everything posted by The_Lazy_Warlock

  1. Very cool! I will have to check this out tonight Do you have plans for bigger, badder goblins? Maybe small camps to raid and whatnot?
  2. Hi everyone! Had some interesting moments during my first couple hours playing VS and it inspired me to doodle up some pixel paintings in Saraty's style from the game: Sleeping Wolf. Running across a wolf sleeping under a tree is no fun. But it is humbling and makes you appreciate how much work has gone into making immersive creatures like these. Portrait of a Seraph. I noticed that there's very little lore or info on the Seraphs, so I imagined coming across a painting of one deep underground or on some hidden cache. Sunken Ruin. My first ruin I was a sunken archway nestled between two verdant hills. It was such a peaceful moment harvesting reeds and thinking about what other interesting places I would find later on. That's it for now, but I imagine as I continue to play I'll probably come up with more of these. And if I'm lucky maybe the devs will consider adding them to the game's collection (if not maybe I'll make a mod...) Thanks! ~The Lazy Warlock
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