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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by Giciel

  1. I don't really know, it really depends on your graphics quality. With everything at high and with the view distance at 256 my I have like 3Go of VRAM, 60-70% of GPU usage and about 2Go of RAM usage. Cranking up the view distance at 512 does have a significant impact on the CPU usage with 80-90%, but no real difference in VRAM. It also doubles the CPU usage (tho very low overall). The RAM did go up a little by 500Mo. (Ryzen 7 5800H, RTX 3060 Laptop) I did those test idle so everything is subject to rise as you load more and more chunks. You gotta play with the graphics settings to find a balance. Also depending on graphic card going higher than 512 might cause issues. Hope it helps
  2. Content que ça t'ai aidé Faut pas mal explorer pour trouver tout les légumes et avoir un peu chance ... pour ma part j'ai pas trouvé de légumes avant ma 15ème heure de jeu pour te dire.. 37 heures à mon actif et jamais vu de gazelles ou hyènes ... la chance des les avoir vu en 22
  3. After searching a bit I found that there is a temporally unstable zone North-East of my base that happens to overlap my mine. I've never noticed before making the mine so it got me confused ... anyways thank you for your answer
  4. Hello, There is a post where the block reach is discussed in creative. Hopefully you'll find your answer :
  5. Hallo, Ich fand diesen Beitrag über einen Obsidian-Generator. Es ist in Englisch. Versuchen Sie es auf einer kreativen Welt, um zu sehen, ob es noch funktioniert. Sorry für das schlechte Deutsch, ich benutze eine Traduktionssoftware. Ich hoffe das hilft euch weiter.
  6. Hello friend, I believe you could fix the question mark issue by downloading a language package with the english alphabet, your friend must only have the cyrillic alphabet on his windows version. To add the language package, go to Settings --> Time & Language --> Language then select +Add Language, then add an English package. If it doesn't work you can try this but I'm really not sure if this one will work : go to Control panel --> Clock, Language and Region --> Region ( a window will pop up) --> Administrative tab --> Change "Language for non-Unicode programs" and select English. You can revert back to Russian or Ukranian if that doesn't change anything. Hopefully this will help you somehow.
  7. Crash reports like those are usually more useful to developers than users. What you could do is look at the patch note and see if any of your mods does impact a new feature or a bug fix, or wait for the mods to be patched for 1.17.8. Or disable all your mods and load them one by one to spot the bad apple.
  8. Hello, First of all, I know well that the further down you go, the more unstable you get but that's not the issue. When I'm close to the entrance or the underground tunnels I've made the temporal indicator is spinning counter-clockwise and I get that ominous ambiant music. The instability only happens above the mine, everywhere else is fine. The annoying thing is that I've made the mine entrance in my base so I can't hang out too long or my stability will go down. Is it a feature or a bug ? Do I need to condemn the mine for it to stop or something else ? Thanks in advance
  9. Salut, De ce que j'ai pu voir en testant, la taille du monde n'impacte pas la taille des "biomes". La génération du monde est "organique", plusieurs caractéristiques rentre en jeu lorsque une zone est générée comme : - la température - le type de roche - la densité d'arbre - la densité d'eau C'est donc impossible de savoir dans quel biome l'on est car il n'y a pas de biomes a proprement parlé. Pour ce qui est des zones relativement communes on a des déserts de roche avec peu d'arbres; des plaines avec pas mal de végétations, baies et faune; les forêts avec une épaisse densité d'arbres et de dangereux animaux comme les loups et les ours. En espérant que ça t'aide
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