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Very Important Vintarian
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About Giciel

  • Birthday 08/15/2001

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Stone Age Settler

Stone Age Settler (3/9)




Community Answers

  1. Maybe log out from the game and log in again, it might do something.
  2. Salut, Pour ta première question : oui tu peux, il suffit juste changer ton mode de jeu avec la commande "gamemode", donc pour toi ça serait "gamemode survival" (c'est la même commande que sur MC). Pour ta deuxième question : de ce que je sais, non ce n'est pas possible, Vintange Story et Minecraft sont deux jeux complétement différents, tant au niveaux des blocs ou moteur de jeu. C'est donc impossible de port des maps de minecraft à Vintage Story, et l'inverse.
  3. It's just as l33tmaan said. But if you don't want to run around while fighting consider making a shield (if you can make one).
  4. Hey back on this topic again. It's not really complicated, you just need water, lava and slabs. The obsidian creation does not consume the water block, the slabs are here for the first obsidian block to be quarried by breaking the second one. Then you can put whatever hopper system right under it (You can't place a hopper right under the first obsidian block because water flow through it and it will create an obsidian block, breaking the hopper). I'm sure there is optimization to be made be hey you get the basic idea.
  5. Hello, I've tried and changed my crouch key to C just like you and it worked just fine. Try with other hard stones, and check if there's nothing obstructing your placement. Can't help you much on that one since I couldn't reproduce your bug. Try reverting back to the old controls and see if something changes, try restarting the game between changes.
  6. You should ask the devs on the discord (I think they're pretty chill), they might share it with you.
  7. Oh ok i get it now and yes as you said it is a pain to get without a generator. And i'm glad you could understand about this contraption. We might have to add some changes to the build but I wondered how applicable is it in survival ? In the original post he said that lava couldn't be moved, is it still a thing ? or can you find lava elsewhere than the bottom of the world ? I'm somewhat confident I could tinker something similar in creative but in survival ?
  8. Hello, I looked at the post and I'm a bit confused but I think I understood some. When the lava source spill down, it will be in contact with the water source therefor making a basalt/stone block (I think). But if you place a water source right under it, it should make an obsidian block. I still don't understand why there's two basalt block under the lava source and wth is a quarried stone like it's a different entity than a stone. Sorry if this doesn't help much I'm not quite at that stage of the game yet.
  9. Hello, I think it's quite logical and it's the same for other games with hotbars. Don't mistake scroll up for +1 and scroll down for -1, the numbers are for the ones on your keyboard. You're simply scrolling down a list of items, but instead of being vertical it's horizontal. Don't overthink it but if it really bothers you maybe there's an option for that.
  10. Giciel


    Sinon voilà un autre post qui en discute, en anglais (comme la majorité des posts sur ce forum) :
  11. Giciel


    Salut, je crois bien que oui. J'ai vu des discussions discord disant que c'est jouable mais je n'ai aucune expérience en la matière pour te guider Je crois juste qu'il te faut un logiciel tier pour configurer et faire fonctionner ta manette avec Vintage Story. Tu as ci-dessous un post sur comment config ta manette sur steam, sinon tu peux utiliser autre chose comme DS4 Windows si tu as une manette PS4/PS5. Après comme j'ai dit je n'ai jamais testé de jouer à la manette sur jeu, je ne sais pas si c'est aussi adapté et intuitif que Minecraft.
  12. There's no dark mode that I'm aware of. But I know there's 2 different themes on this site : The "Vintage Story (default)" with light brown beige color and green for the buttons The "Classic High Contrast" which is pure white. Normaly you should be on the first one by default but it doesn't hurt to check. The option for the Theme is at the bottom of the page next to "Privacy Policy". If you are already on the default theme then I suggest you to lower the luminosity levels of your screen if it hurts that much.
  13. Faut que tu clique sur la section "Client Area". Cela va te rediriger vers la page de téléchargement. Après tu clique sur "Full Installer", ça va télécharger le fichier exe pour installer le jeu sur ton pc.
  14. I would say it's by design, since passive mode is made to have a better time playing. Drifters and locusts are the enemies in the game so making them harmless seems logical. As for the animals, well they're animals so I guess they're not really taken in account.
  15. Not possible from what I've tried. Once a meal is in a bowl, you gotta eat it or wash it out. You can only transfer food between cooking pots and crock pots.
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