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Horses & Carriages


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Due to the fact that in Vintage Story worldgen works in a way that you sometimes need to walk quite a bit to get yourself some resource that you need but that isn't in your area, and that you sometimes have to make these trips continuously, to the point that you need to build a road, it would be a good idea to add horses and carriages that they can move to the game, so players could travel more easily between location and also bring their resources with them. Or any other means of transportation that you see fit. It's just in my opinion that common horses pulling carriages fit the style of the game best.

But  they also should have limitations on the height offset of moving, so players won't just take the carriage straight through the forest. Like, on horse you would be able to move more freely, but for moving carriages you'd need an actual road, or at least a flat path of blocks of certain width.

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At the moment with all of the hills and mountains and the pretty much non-existent flat ground, implementing a mount system or a travel system like this wouldn't do much. I know you mentioned roads, of course, but I see that being a reason why this mechanic may not enter the game—at least for a good while. I do love the idea of a wagon you can store resources in. That would be really, really cool!

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