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Line tool for clay forming / More Voxel crafting "shortcuts"


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Hi everyone, new player here (old terrafirmacraft player though).

I love the 3D Voxel crafting; but I was particularly struck by the tediousness of drawing line after line of single cubes when clay forming larger items like the storage vessel. 

Especially so when in reality, you wouldn't be sticking on tiny pieces of clay to make a line, you would be forming long "ropes".

When forming a flat Surface the process is already quite fast using the 2x2/3x3 square tools, so I proposed having a draggable 1-wide line tool.

That's it! Bye!

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What if we could instantly make certain basic shapes, such as lines, flat square, circle etc (in larger sizes than max 3x3 brush), add them to the bunch, and only then be able to sculpt 1x1 on top of it.

Edited by Terosism
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3 hours ago, Terosism said:

and only then be able to sculpt 1x1 on top of it.

I'm not sure what that means.

The idea of adding user-defined shaped "tools" is cool, but see below.

17 hours ago, Mr_Tumnus said:

you wouldn't be sticking on tiny pieces of clay to make a line

Sure. But because clayforming (and knapping -- likely a lot of the same code) are world directional (that is, knives all point in the same direction, and, I think, directional molds like axes do, too), anything that is not x-y symmetric is likely to break things. The copy tool is an obvious exception, but I think that's probably just a different routine, not something that creates a arbitrarily shaped "tool" of 8 voxels. It probably just copies the next 8 voxels from one Z to the next.

Sometimes I think knapping, clay and smithing is all to make me slow down and enjoy the game, rather than running from one task to the next. ;)

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