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Ore and prospecting


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In a manner of speaking, yes. To be precise, that is the absolute amount of blocks inside the block column below the first of the three samples you took to create this reading that would on average be replaced by this ore, taking into account the interpolated ore map data from a certain radius around the reading, the rock strata of the block column, and the specific characteristics of this ore.

It is important to understand what this number is not (a spawn chance for ore), and to not get hung up on it. It is vastly different for each indvidual ore due to being heavily dependant on the ore's configuration, particularly the deposit size. Due to how the math works out, an ore that spawns very few very large deposits automatically generates a much larger number than one that spawns a lot of small deposits, even if both add up to the same number of blocks per chunk on average.

My standard piece of advice is to ignore it completely when prospecting. It's honestly closer to debug output than to any sort of usable information. The one thing you can try using it for is to determine in which direction a reading grows larger within the same wording. I.e. if everything around you reads "high", then you can use the number to determine which "high" is highest. But that's honestly a trivial benefit at best, and for some ores (like cassiterite) the number they output isn't suitable even for that.


Edited by Streetwind
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