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VR Support


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Suggestion is in the title.

Would love to have VR support, even if the game was still played with mouse and keyboard. Motion controller support and VR integration not required.... just HMD support would be fine!

I played GTA5 with the VR mod, using "standard" keyboard and mouse controls and loved every second of it. If Vintage Story were able to have the VR HMD option as a graphics setting (which, depending on development platform is literally just a tick box on the project exporter) that'd make my year.

Not sure if it could be managed with mods perhaps, but if someone were able to make a mod for this at worst case...

Either way, loving the game so far... about 40 hours in and hot on the trail of finding tin. I've found my new gamer-life addiction, lol. Well done to the development team... I know it's been 7 years already, but I see great things on the horizon for VS.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/31/2023 at 4:46 PM, AlexiosTheSixth said:

Ikr, as someone who has enjoyed VR minecraft I think playing VR vintage story would be very cool especially for such an immersive survival game. Imagine vr clayforming and blacksmithing with proper motion controls...

It would be absolutely awesome with full motion control support, but at this point I'd even take basic HMD support only. It would be the easiest to implement for sure, as building full controller support is a whole kettle of fish of it's own.

One can dream, but it would  REALLY push the immersion factor to the limit even if still tethered to using keyboard and mouse. It worked pretty well for GTAV and a few other games that play with gamepads instead of motion controllers.

On 8/27/2023 at 1:35 PM, immersiveSinner said:

I can test with VorpX and see if it works.

That'd be pretty sweet. I have honestly never tried VorpX as the reviews and feedback seemed wildly inconsistent. I've also never wanted to play a non VR game badly enough to spend money on it and finally test it out, but if it works for Vintage Story then I would heavily consider it.

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  • 2 months later...

Update: VorpX doesn't work. I bought it myself to finally try and it can't hook the VintageStory.exe for driver injection, probably due to the custom engine and unusual choice of programming language for building a game. I thought I might have luck using Cities:Skylines as a base for creating a VorpX profile since it also uses C# but I had no luck at all.

If anyone else happens to have VorpX and would like to attempt, please let us know if you have any success.

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  • 1 month later...

For VR support, there is the OpenXR API that the devs can look into, as SteamVR is generally older and isn't as versatile.

You can have SteamVR support in the game even if it's not a steam game, 'A Township Tale' does the same thing with their launcher being non-steam related, it launches a SteamVR when you click play on their launcher.

Of course this does mean integrating the whole UI and stuff for OpenXR to work with this game means a lot more work for the devs too, but it might be possible for modding if said mod integrates OpenXR related files in some way (not familiar with this game's modding systems).

In short, it's basically a bunch of dll files that if the executable or mod uses it, can access the functionality while the game is loaded.




Unifying Reality

OpenXR is a royalty-free, open standard that provides high-performance access to Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)—collectively known as XR—platforms and devices.


It seems that SteamVR's own webpage indicate a different SDK to utilize:


Edited by Dra6o0n
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  • 4 months later...

If you just want a game screen, you can look into the paid software 'Virtual Desktop' for the Meta Quest 3 or such.

Or launch this game from a similar VR environment that enables desktop view.

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