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Everything posted by immersiveSinner

  1. Of course I would want the lore. One of the big failings of games like this is that everything FEELS procedural, literally because it is. So a curated experience like a dungeon would be amazing, but getting into the thing It just felt like it was built with the same type of procedural generation, except all the things were invincible. So it seemed like I couldn't extract anything from the place to use in my own base and further along my current level of tech, which seems like a waste for a game based around somebody surviving in the wilderness and scavenging everything to make that process easier and become more powerful. I had to look it up on the wiki and that's where I learned that the boiler in the engineering room was able to be used. I saw no indication of that and I thought it was just as dead as everything else around because that's the story the game is telling you from the moment you break open the doors until you find all those machines. I'm sure this is the kind of comment where somebody might say gO pLaY fOrTnItE yOu NeWb ThIs GaMe DoSeN't HoLd YoUr HaNd, but as much as I am enjoying my experience in this game, the tutorialization of things, understand what you can and can't do in terms of game mechanics... all that stuff... Everything I've learned how to do in this game I've had to look up online because I couldn't figure it out in the game itself using it's own tools. I also think it would be a really great if, once you're done the dungeon, you were able to start looting the place. It's a bit 4th wall breaking that you can't.
  2. I got the first dungeon quest from a treasure hunter trader, and I found the entrance. What I've learned is that any of the cool ancient blocks you can break are essentially useless, they don't enable you to craft anything new, you dont extract any info or recipes out of them, or cool ancient tools etc etc etc. The only thing of use I found was the aged torch holders. But as I was climbing down the shaft, I stopped being able to take them, and every single other block of course is also protected... So If I can't loot anything, what's the point? I see some crazy cool rooms down there. with that glowing water everywhere, and some huge contraptions, but you can't use any of it. All you can do is aimlessly wander around and fight drifters. What's the point?
  3. Well with the blocks protected the way they are.. I dont know how you'd get to this spot unless you went even deeper then came back up to a dead end. It also makes exploring scary because I dont think I can place any ladders or carve out steps. Maybe I"ll try and if I get stranded I'll just creative mode my way back out. But it's a weird thing. Consequently I HAVE been considering buying a lottery ticket lol. woudlnt' that be nice.
  4. Searching for this all I find is the wiki entries on server console commands. I just fixed my first translocator and walked through it. I'm quite deep under the ground, deeper than I have been so far (deep drifters spawn there) and everywhere on the other side of the portal is protected by a land claim. I can't break any of the junk in the other teleporter room. The cave branches in 2 directions. One leads to a dead end, the other to a really deep pit full of saltpeter, the first time I've run into it, but no matter how far away from the 2nd translocator i go. it keeps saying that all the blocks are protected by a higher power. I'm a bit confused as I thought this could only happen if another player had a land claim, or if you were trying to mess with the traders. Is there some narrative reason that this "higher power" would stop you from harvesting blocks, or placing them, in some random cave with no other players on your map or traders nearby? Or is it that there's a trader on the surface direclty above me some 150 blocks up? It's confusing.
  5. I can test with VorpX and see if it works.
  6. EDIT: And I've made my first new forum member faux pas and just noticed this has already been requested enough to be put in the frequenly requested thread at the bottom. oops sorry. I have had Minecraft for years and mostly only because my kids play it. I think vintage story is the actual crafting survival game i wanted to play in that world and the reason I bought it was very much because it WASN'T Minecraft. So the one thing that irks me the most is having to arrange your materials in just the right size of piles in a 3x3 grid as a final step of crafting. If I have 10 cattails just let me press a button to craft it. I don't want to have to look though 5 menus every time I want to craft something new so I can reference how to place them on a grid first. I guess the MC veterans might think this is too much nitpicking, and I realize that a request to remove the feature entirely probably wont go down at all, but having an option to turn it off would be really great. I'm no stranger to tree punching simulators like MC/7D2D/Rust/Valheim etc... but the UX in this game, as lovely as the game is. Is pretty convoluted, it could use some more streamlining to bring it into the user experience of games that have moved past and surpassed Minecraft. And I don't think doing so in terms of the grid crafting system is going to have an impact on gameplay difficulty. It's just an archaic annoyance in my eyes. And I"m hoping I'm not alone in this.
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