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Big cooking pot + special meals


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The idea of adding a big cooking pot, that can make 12 meals and has 8 slots for ingredients instead of just 4. With that type of cooking pot, you can make special meals that are giving you more hunger bars and an invisible "satiety" effect, that holds your hunger bar at 100% for a specific time, so you don't need to eat and eat every minute. The special meals (every meal with more than 4 items) can only be made in this pot. The items thay are used to make the pot could be iron plates to make it a bit more lategame. 

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The problem is that once those meals are packed into crocks they're no different than meals cooked in existing cooking pots.  Currently, eating meals cooked in pots provides a cessation of hunger bar depletion for a span of time.  I've sometimes gone almost an in game day without seeing a change in the hunger bar (although I think that may have been in 1.16).

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