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v1.19.2/3 Dejank Redux - Stablerer!


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Is there a lot less animals around than there used to be? I'm roaming around and I suddenly notice I haven't seen a lamb in ages, or even wolves or bears. Just drifters and maybe an odd chicken. 

Also, my game keeps freezing every now and then for a few seconds. Is it something to do with loading new blocks? View distance is set at 352. 

Edited by TeaJay
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Occasional freeze is probably view distance, but could be other things.  Check your settings to see if you have other settings that use up CPU resources.

As form animals?  I just started a world that I have encountered moose, pigs, sheep, carribou, deer, wolves and a bear.  All within about 500 blocks of where I settled which itself is about 750 blocks from spawn (on the edge of a lake so don't see much at spawn when I revisit upon death).

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I don't know if it's view distance since I'm getting the freezing when I'm standing still underground too. Game just hangs up for a few seconds. 

I was looking at Task manager and the game is taking a lot of memory, and just now even crashed. Maybe there's a crash log somewhere?

e: Getting the freezing in the main menu as well, what settings could I try to change to see if it helps?

ee: Tried taking Foam and shiny effect off and lowered "Resolution" from 100% to 75% and that seems like it helped so far. 

Edited by TeaJay
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